The most popular articles on Simple English Wikipedia in May 2020
ver. 1.6
# Changes Title Popularity
301 23Lord's Prayer
302 202Coronavirus
303 218Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother
304 15Mobile phone
305 137George VI
306 24Rigveda
307 5New York City
308 11ASCII
309 39Palm tree
310 218Microprocessor
311 29Redox
312 154History
313 21French Revolution
314 66Vagina
315 117List of Percy Jackson and the Olympians characters
316 66COVID-19
317 8Donald Trump
318 34Central processing unit
319 40Camel
320 38List of popes by length of reign
321 49Derivative (mathematics)
322 41Robert Kardashian
323 70Penis
324 66Christianity
325 125Structure of the Earth
326 29Sex
327 92Lernaean Hydra
328 135Third Battle of Panipat
329 69Natural environment
330 65United States dollar
331 257Bacchus
332 83Partition of India
333 33Arabic language
334 146Kernel (computer science)
335 140Talent (measurement)
336 87Climate change
337 9Shivaji
338 260DNA
339 127Deaths in 2020
340 38Titanic (1997 movie)
341 84Dental formula
342 155Cum
343 12442 (answer)
344 195Brass instrument
345 180List of districts of Haryana
346 68President of Ireland
347 48Software
348 262Metaphysics
349 284Guinea (coin)
3500Taj Mahal
351 99Flag of the United States
352 49Rabbit
353 59Hindu gods
354 148English numerals
355 205Renaissance
356 134Movie
357 39Tourism
358 115Quantum mechanics
359 23Common Era
360 495Tropical cyclone
361 38List of Indian scientists
362 15Indian independence movement
363 67American Revolutionary War
364 128Tensile strength
365 346Butterfly effect
366 133List of Disney animated movies
367 57Law
368 191Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo
369 523Tipu Sultan
370 136Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
371 88Air
372 35Personification
373 56Television
374 64Natural disaster
375 6Acceleration due to gravity
376 502008 United States presidential election
377 249White House Press Secretary
378 192List of chess terms
379 98Midwestern United States
380 6Queen (band)
381 95Phase change
382 68Ronald Reagan
383 107Cat
384 2Square meter
385 40Leonardo da Vinci
386 18Mary I of England
387 208List of Disney movies
388 117Government
389 166Regions of England
390 148Rock cycle
391 160Semen
392 147Renewable resource
393 475Beaufort scale
394 317Turkey
395 208Karl Marx
396 182California
397 249Martin Luther King Jr.
398 52Paragraph
399 441Pachycephalosaurus
400 16Rose
<< < 101-200 | 201-300 | 301-400 | 401-500 | 501-600 > >>

About WikiRank

The project is intended for automatic relative evaluation of the articles in the various language versions of Wikipedia. At the moment the service allows to compare over 44 million Wikipedia articles in 55 languages. Quality scores of articles are based on Wikipedia dumps from August, 2024. When calculating current popularity and AI of articles data from July 2024 was taken into account. For historical values of popularity and AI WikiRank used data from 2001 to 2023... More information

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