The most popular articles on Simple English Wikipedia in August 2011
ver. 1.6
# Changes Title Popularity
201 89Organism
202 35Germany
203 234Berlin Wall
204 29Orchestra
205 32Evolution
206 5Nomad
208 87List of soccer clubs in the United States
209 6206Greenwich Mean Time
210 112France
211 16Idiom
212 21Coprophilia
213 5Oxygen
214 779Spanish language
215 58Condom
216 47Government
217 24Puberty
218 165Earthquake
219 49Oral sex
220 66Constitution of the United States
221 57Global warming
222 30Homosexuality
223 9Baobab
224 87Platypus
225 2519Red shift
226 32Economics
227 6Computer monitor
228 43Periodic table
229 46Unit of measurement
230 222History of Australia
231 2019Internet Relay Chat
232 11Transsexual
233 68Automobile
234 31Phases of the Moon
235 5WWE Raw
236 14Socialism
237 59Seven deadly sins
238 129Subject (school)
239 52Italy
240 45Indirect democracy
241 21Munshi Premchand
242 9LD50
243 56List of operating systems
244 135G-spot
245 107Camel
246 6E Prime
247 786Ponzi scheme
248 39Indigo
249 2936Model (person)
250 853Basque language
251 77Plebiscite
252 44Id, ego, and super-ego
253 11Orange
254 17Special English
255 39Conifer
256 25Anus
257 170River Thames
258 54Hexadecimal
259 14Atheism
260 19Playing card
261 50Earth
262 113Carl Linnaeus
263 136List of elements
264 120Distillation
265 8Heart
266 28Ten Commandments
267 25Calculus
268 1236Jackie Chan
269 80List of countries by area
270 1363Hurricane Katrina
271 35Liver
272 36List of Jupiter's moons
273 37Windmill
274 18Even number
275 330Abraham Lincoln
276 66Little Red Riding Hood
277 1770Hebrew language
278 5Potassium permanganate
279 430Bas-relief
280 54Jesus
281 41New York City
282 17Odd number
283 6Computer science
284 2Religion
285 18877Black Forest cake
286 65Lorem ipsum
287 9Inflation
288 102Papaya
289 6Dessert
290 2Farming
291 7269 (sex position)
292 33Hinduism
293 24Mahatma Gandhi
294 29Glans penis
295 975List of earthquakes
296 32Maroon (color)
297 118Schizophrenia
298 44Past tense
299 57String theory
300 126Ductility
<< < 1-100 | 101-200 | 201-300 | 301-400 | 401-500 > >>

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The project is intended for automatic relative evaluation of the articles in the various language versions of Wikipedia. At the moment the service allows to compare over 44 million Wikipedia articles in 55 languages. Quality scores of articles are based on Wikipedia dumps from August, 2024. When calculating current popularity and AI of articles data from July 2024 was taken into account. For historical values of popularity and AI WikiRank used data from 2001 to 2023... More information

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