The most popular articles on Min Nan Wikipedia in April 2014
ver. 1.6
# Changes Title Popularity
101 34Kho-ha̍k
102 1517Chhiah-tō Guinea
103 138Phû-tô-gâ-gí
104 35Guam
105 67Tiâu-sián
106 7Tē-tāng
107 158Afghanistan
108 75New Zealand
109 55Jîn-kháu
110 23Iran
111 60Chhī-leng tōng-bu̍t
112 23Sin-ka-pho
113 43Pa-se
114 2Tiat-ha̍k
115 29Lô-má
116 744Lisboa
117 61Bián-tiān
118 25Bu̍t-lí-ha̍k
119 8Hi-lia̍p
120 48Oa̍t-lâm
121 27Tâi-oân
122 121Belarus
123 197Sochi
124 74Kán-po͘-chē
125 272000 nî
126 6Si̍t-bu̍t
127 19A-la-pek-gí
128 36Chheng-kok
129 102Rwanda
130 91Thài-kok
131 5520 sè-kí
132 42Bāng-chām
133 29Le̍k-sú
134 362006 nî
135 392005 nî
136 6Nńg-thé
137 121Krym
138 209Gambia
139 6Akrotiri kap Dhekelia
140 49Ethiopia
141 74Hu̍t-kàu
142 20UNESCO
143 50I-ha̍k
144 66Gregorius Le̍k-hoat
145 39
146 81Apple Inc.
147 26Ò-mn̂g
148 25Chesko
149 19Argentina
1500Koaⁿ-hong gí-giân
151 18Khe
152 382007 nî
153 95Albania
154 274Guinea
155 82Sèng-hêng-ûi
156 24Sò͘-ha̍k
157 54Bí-kok ê chiu
158 54Tōng-bu̍t
159 8Sî-khu
160 282010 nî
161 70Kok-chè Tan-ūi Hē-thóng
162 57Sè-kài Ōe-seng Cho͘-chit
163 391999 nî
164 189AIDS
165 97Google
166 102008 nî
167 48Ài-ní-lân
168 192014 nî
169 95Pakistan
170 26Lō͘-se-a-gí
171 84Sò͘-ūi Mi̍h-kiāⁿ Sek-pia̍t-hō
172 41Kuala Lumpur
173 111Koh-oa̍h-cheh
174 137Sin-kiong Uyghur Chū-tī-khu
175 86Bangladesh
176 81Wiktionary
177 60Ji̍t-thâu
178 14Holopedia
179 781979 nî
180 14Kim
181 11Tek-gí
182 132Benin
183 217Creative Commons
184 48Andorra
185 1382011 nî
186 31Ìn-tō͘-iûⁿ
187 176Slovakia
188 41Chúi-sò͘
189 147Su-lí
190 39Se-pan-gâ-gí
191 6Tiān-chú-phoe
192 16Thian-chú-kàu
193 471987 nî
194 111Comoros
195 58Hui-li̍p-pin
196 68Chile
197 48Azerbaijan
198 57Ki-su̍t
199 83Hun-lân
200 231997 nî
<< < 1-100 | 101-200 | 201-300 | 301-400 > >>

About WikiRank

The project is intended for automatic relative evaluation of the articles in the various language versions of Wikipedia. At the moment the service allows to compare over 44 million Wikipedia articles in 55 languages. Quality scores of articles are based on Wikipedia dumps from August, 2024. When calculating current popularity and AI of articles data from July 2024 was taken into account. For historical values of popularity and AI WikiRank used data from 2001 to 2023... More information

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