The most popular articles on Min Nan Wikipedia in May 2013
ver. 1.6
# Changes Title Popularity
2 2Bân-lâm-gú
3 3Keng-chè Ha̍p-chok kap Hoat-tián Cho͘-chit
4 1Gruzia
5 2Eng-gí
6 7Pek-kho-choân-su
7 37Holopedia
9 11Internet
10 1Tiong-hôa Jîn-bîn Kiōng-hô-kok
11 2Tāi-hân Bîn-kok
12 2Au-chiu
13 14Tek-kok
14 10Ji̍t-pún
15 31Ò-chiu
16 6A-chiu
17 15Armenia
18 2Wiki
19 2Ku-pí-lō͘
20 8Wikimedia
21 11Liân-ha̍p Ông-kok
22 4Siú-siòng
23 14Tan-be̍h
24 24Giân-gú
25 4RSS
26 38Tōng-bu̍t
27 9Ji̍t-pún-gí
28 15Hô-lân
29 1Ukraina
30 3Ki-su̍t
31 25Í-tāi-lī
32 15Hoat-kok
33 7Pa-lí
34 11Lān-chiáu
35 4Hui-chiu
37 35Gangnam Style
38 14Sūi-tián
39 9Guam
40 25Ai-ki̍p
41 8Ò-tē-lī
42 19Canada
43 11Siú-to͘
44 11Ná-ui
45 10Tiong-hoâ Bîn-kok
46 12Lō͘-se-a
47 20A-la-pek-gí
48 27Ìn-tō͘
49 31Phû-tô-gâ-gí
50 19Lâm-hui-kok
52 37Ìn-nî
53 133Thih-bé
54 35Tiat-ha̍k
55 14Eng-lân
56 10Lûn-tun
57 28Thian-chú-kàu
58 16Siā-hōe
59 14Kok-ka
60 2Le̍k-sú
61 29Sò͘-ha̍k
62 1Pe̍k-ní-gī
63 13Pêng-hong kong-lí
64 6Kho-ha̍k
65 20Pe̍h-ōe-jī
66 111Hia̍p-tēng Sè-kài-sî
67 1So͘-liân
68 79Palestine
69 9Âng-hái
70 37Pa-se
71 33Google
72 4New Zealand
73 35Chū-jiân
74 21Goân-siú
75 6Se-pan-gâ
76 37Í-sek-lia̍t
77 87Phû-tô-gâ
78 4Kong-lí
79 48Tē-jī-chhù Sè-kài Tāi-chiàn
80 33Hiong-káng
81 9Sūi-se
82 408Côte d'Ivoire
83 26Islam
84 24Chong-kàu
85 15Hông-gâ-lī
86 374Justin Bieber
87 10Lâng
88 93Kong-kàu
89 23Elizabeth 2-sè
90 19Sèng-hêng-ûi
91 11Lating-gí
92 141Chek-soh tōng-bu̍t
93 7Slovenia
94 57Chi-bai
95 94Bāng-ia̍h liû-lám-khì
96 12Má-lâi-se-a
97 3Comoros
98 9Sin-ka-pho
100 572005 nî
1-100 | 101-200 | 201-300 > >>

About WikiRank

The project is intended for automatic relative evaluation of the articles in the various language versions of Wikipedia. At the moment the service allows to compare over 44 million Wikipedia articles in 55 languages. Quality scores of articles are based on Wikipedia dumps from August, 2024. When calculating current popularity and AI of articles data from July 2024 was taken into account. For historical values of popularity and AI WikiRank used data from 2001 to 2023... More information

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