The most popular articles on Min Nan Wikipedia in December 2020
ver. 1.6
# Changes Title Popularity
10Carles Puigdemont
4 1ISO 8601
5 1Deer Trail (Colorado)
6 2Bí-kok
10 3397Kò-jîn sò͘-ūi chō͘-lí
11 566Hoat-kok ê kong-siā
12 2Chū-iû lōe-iông
13 1Tiong-hôa Jîn-bîn Kiōng-hô-kok
14 6ISO 3166
15 24Wikimedia Commons
16 1Tāi-hân Bîn-kok
17 2Pek-kho-choân-su
19 5Node.js
20 7Library of Congress Control Number
21 7Lating-gí
22 10Wikimedia
23 4Internet
24 171Apple Inc.
25 2Fields Chióng
26 5Sò͘-ūi Mi̍h-kiāⁿ Sek-pia̍t-hō
27 2COVID-19
28 2Liân-ha̍p Ông-kok
29 4Ji̍t-pún
30 4Kok-li̍p Kok-hōe Tô͘-su-koán
31 22COVID-19 tōa-liû-hêng
32 1Google
33 29Mary Baker Eddy
34 3Poa̍h-kiáu
35 13Tek-kok
36 14Donald Trump
37 12Virtual International Authority File
38 9Hoat-lu̍t
39 31HTTP
40 10Wiki
41 15Au-chiu
42 9MIT License
43 11SARS-CoV-2
44 29Bāng-chām
45 5Kok-ka
46 29 goe̍h 5 ji̍t
47 1ISSN
48 8Hoat-kok
49 17Pe̍h-ōe-jī
50 42Nantes
51 174Ki-hāi ha̍k-si̍p
52 34RSS
53 6Tâi-oân
54 19Holopedia
55 22Bāng-ia̍h liû-lám-khì
56 5JavaScript
57 30Tē-kiû
59Bí-kok hiàn-hoat tē 16 tiâu siu-chèng-àn
60 91QR Bé
61 6Hô-lân
62 19Hia̍p-tēng Sè-kài-sî
63 5Tē-jī-chhù Sè-kài Tāi-chiàn
64 17Hoat-kok Kok-li̍p Tô͘-su-koán
65 15Tiong-hoâ Bîn-kok
66 39Ò-chiu
67 5Lō͘-se-a
68 20Canada
69 14Kok-chè Piau-chún Hō-miâ Sek-pia̍t-hō
70 54The New York Times
71 7Hoat-gí
72 51Í-tāi-lī
73 237Bí-kim
74 3Ìn-tō͘
75 18865Smolensk
76 7Pak Bí-chiu
77 5Lâng
78 16Google Chrome
79 37IP tē-chí
80 6Wiktionary
81 16Sèng-hêng-ûi
82 61Bāng-chì
83 199New Zealand
84 17114Lima Khu
85 84Nńg-thé
86 23Ìn-nî
87 4Facebook
88 96Oai-ko-phìⁿ
89 22Liân-ha̍p-kok
90 75New York Chhī
91 44Mozilla Firefox
92 11Sò͘-ha̍k
93 7PubMed
94 382010 nî
95 220MacOS
96 58Chhái-phiò
97 30894Ica Khu
98 5110T-5 kàu-liān-ki
99 62Pho-lân
100 66Tiān-náu
1-100 | 101-200 | 201-300 > >>

About WikiRank

The project is intended for automatic relative evaluation of the articles in the various language versions of Wikipedia. At the moment the service allows to compare over 44 million Wikipedia articles in 55 languages. Quality scores of articles are based on Wikipedia dumps from August, 2024. When calculating current popularity and AI of articles data from July 2024 was taken into account. For historical values of popularity and AI WikiRank used data from 2001 to 2023... More information

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