The most popular articles on Danish Wikipedia in May 2013
ver. 1.6
# Changes Title Popularity
1 746Emmelie de Forest
2 29Søren Kierkegaard
3 62Mors dag
4 7One Direction
6 4Justin Bieber
7 300Pinse
8 1Karen Blixen
9 13Romantikken
10 6Paradise Hotel (Danmark, sæson 9)
11 52. verdenskrig
12 12Det Moderne Gennembrud
13 192Bryllupsdag
14 558H.C. Andersen
15 1312Eurovision Song Contest 2013
16 1Adolf Hitler
18Saul Bass
19 111. verdenskrig
20 2379Giro d'Italia 2013
21 11Tyskland
22 1610VM i ishockey 2013
23 321Mikkel Kessler
24 5Berlinmuren
25 112UEFA Champions League finalen 2013
26 6502Eurovision Song Contest
27 Julius Richard Petri
28 145Canada
29 118Nelson Mandela
30 164Kristi himmelfartsdag
31 367Beyoncé Knowles
32 2Postnumre i Danmark
33 7Wiki
34 52Daft Punk
35 75Essay
36 300Kristendom
37 63Amish
38 1Andengradspolynomium
39 8Fotosyntese
40 14Stjernetegn
41 11Michael Jackson
42 7USA
43 15Paradise Hotel (Danmark)
44 190Ku Klux Klan
45 43London
46 112Christian 4.
47 618Kim Fupz Aakeson
48 5Appelformerne
49 669Grundlovsdag
50 1Oplysningstiden
51 9Jorden
52 6Den kolde krig
53 3Danmarks største byer
54 44Eminem
55 28YouTube
56 23Selena Gomez
57 1587Dansk Melodi Grand Prix
58 183Novelle
59 22Facebook
60 396Tove Ditlevsen
61 220Dan Turèll
62 21Cristiano Ronaldo
63 190Apartheid
64 138Herman Bang
65 341Terrorangrebet den 11. september 2001
66 2806Haldor Topsøe
67 16How I Met Your Mother
68 4Pierre Bourdieu
69 47Norge
70 7RMS Titanic
71 19Schweiz
72 1120Spækhugger
73 84Kina
74 3UEFA Champions League (mænd)
75 14Grønland
76 230Bornholm
77 1080Alex Ferguson
78 18AM og PM
79 13Besættelsen
80 82Helle Thorning-Schmidt
81 1337Bruce Springsteen
82 52Christoffer Columbus
83 22Europa
84 11. maj
85 2Sverige
86 27Velfærdsmodel
87 30Harry Potter
88 110Median
89 112Danmarks Riges Grundlov
90 52Lionel Messi
91 191World Trade Center
92 17Tyrkiet
93 273Naja Marie Aidt
94 44Thomas Blachman
95 55Frankrig
96 78Margrethe 2.
97 2Maslows behovspyramide
98 11Berlin
99 75Periodiske system
100 48Barack Obama
1-100 | 101-200 | 201-300 > >>

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The project is intended for automatic relative evaluation of the articles in the various language versions of Wikipedia. At the moment the service allows to compare over 44 million Wikipedia articles in 55 languages. Quality scores of articles are based on Wikipedia dumps from August, 2024. When calculating current popularity and AI of articles data from July 2024 was taken into account. For historical values of popularity and AI WikiRank used data from 2001 to 2023... More information

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