The most popular articles on Danish Wikipedia in April 2014
ver. 1.6
# Changes Title Popularity
1 2Karen Blixen
2 2Danmark
3 2Yahya Hassan
4 350Hvidstengruppen
5 163Påske
6 32. verdenskrig
7 969Muhammed
8 3H.C. Andersen
9 3Adolf Hitler
10 2USA
11 7København
12 1Tyskland
13 10Mikkel Beha Erichsen
14 6Berlinmuren
15 11. verdenskrig
16 13Romantikken
17 229Olsen-banden
18 37Troels Kløvedal
19 23Det Moderne Gennembrud
20 21Danmarks største byer
21 32Christopher (sanger)
220Medina (sanger)
23 7Den Europæiske Union
24 1473Skærtorsdag
25 19NATO
26 73Margrethe 2.
27 7Stjernetegn
28 55Fotosyntese
29 3Kina
30 15Monica Zetterlund
31 3Massefylde
32 1Nelson Mandela
33 1Jorden
34 9Den kolde krig
35 22AM og PM
36 29Berlin
37 3Eurovision Song Contest 2014
38 48532Hotel Adlon
39 447Game of Thrones
40 10Facebook
41 7Terrorangrebet den 11. september 2001
42 19Sverige
43 10Australien
44 39Ukraine
45 1Grønland
46 32Rusland
47 237Besættelsen
48 5Forenede Nationer
49 897Kampene ved Dybbøl
50 15Christian 4.
51 4474Ulrik Wilbek
52 731Ebola
53 63Harry Potter
54 33RMS Titanic
55 32Schweiz
56 332. Slesvigske Krig
57 22New York City
58 13929Elektrisk ål
59 7Cristiano Ronaldo
60 9Oplysningstiden
61 5Spanien
62 13Frankrig
63 17Appelformerne
64 280Lukas Graham
65 269Gækkebrev
66 66YouTube
67 8Christoffer Columbus
68 17Bruttonationalprodukt
69 15Periodiske system
70 257UEFA Champions League (mænd)
71 1Norge
72 26Postnumre i Danmark
73 3Storbritannien
74 10Pierre Bourdieu
75 10Michael Jackson
76 72Illuminati-ordenen
77 13Europa
78 336Peter Lundin
79 38Størrelser (papir)
80 46Martin Luther King
81 14One Direction
82 4005Langfredag
83 27Velfærdsmodel
84 32Paradise Hotel (Danmark)
85 25Canada
86 11Indien
87 29Andengradspolynomium
88 65James Bond
89 13Island
90 54Sovjetunionen
91 34Aarhus
92 1Italien
93 10London
94 17Martin Luther
95 27Justin Bieber
96 13Vand
97 17Verdens lande
98 44Ku Klux Klan
99 5Maslows behovspyramide
100 6Solen
1-100 | 101-200 | 201-300 > >>

About WikiRank

The project is intended for automatic relative evaluation of the articles in the various language versions of Wikipedia. At the moment the service allows to compare over 44 million Wikipedia articles in 55 languages. Quality scores of articles are based on Wikipedia dumps from November, 2023. When calculating current popularity and AI of articles data from October 2023 was taken into account. For historical values of popularity and AI WikiRank used data from 2001 to 2023... More information

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