The most popular articles on Danish Wikipedia in September 2009
ver. 1.6
# Changes Title Popularity
2 1Wiki
3 1Michael Jackson
4 2Periodiske system
5 5USA
6 152. verdenskrig
7 1090Patrick Swayze
8 1586Caroline Wozniacki
9 15H.C. Andersen
10 1Tyskland
11 37Fotosyntese
12 142Terrorangrebet den 11. september 2001
13 101. verdenskrig
14 718Blekingegadebanden
15 14Adolf Hitler
16 25Massefylde
17 14Berlinmuren
18 5Sidney Lee
19 5RSS
20 49Cristiano Ronaldo
21 10Penis
22 4YouTube
23 6København
24 18Australien
25 1Berlin
26 32Celle (biologi)
27 57The Beatles
28 12Postnumre i Danmark
29 9Kina
30 11Mikkel Kessler
31 32Cirkel
32 42Vand
33 11Skede (kønsorgan)
34 30Liberalisme
35 69Romantikken
36 18Islam
37 1963Rombe
38 2Frankrig
39 13Grønland
40 22Jorden
41 29Christoffer Columbus
42 86Schweiz
43 95Vietnamkrigen
44 21Den kolde krig
45 1New York City
46 150Essay
47 35Verdens syv underværker
48 7Danmarks Riges Grundlov
49 283Osmose
50 1204Nicklas Bendtner
51 101Martin Luther King
52 2Den Europæiske Union
53 10Middelalderen
54 45Forenede Nationer
55 27Buddhisme
56 3Spanien
57 51Danmarks fodboldlandshold
58 34Norge
59 8Big Brother
60 70Indien
61 106Demokrati
62 11Canada
63 15England
64 15Tyrkiet
65 29Europa
66 1577Dizzy Mizz Lizzy
67 141Socialisme
68 31Sverige
69 30Facebook
70 92Rumfang
71 1Nordisk mytologi
72 313Respiration
73 22London
74 91Sigmund Freud
75 25Fodbold
76 48John F. Kennedy
77 62Christian 4.
78 257World Trade Center
79 45Ramadan
80 23Græsk mytologi
81 39Renæssancen
82 23Romerske Kejserrige
83 15Egypten
84 126Ligning
85 21Japan
86 7Italien
87 193Dansk Folkeparti
88 168Vulkan
89 9NATO
90 41Island
91 121Nelson Mandela
92 56Trekant
93 26Nikolaj Koppel
94 48Danmarks største byer
95 70Harry Potter
96 28Holland
97 107Socialdemokratiet
98 164Stieg Larsson
99 208Hjerte
100 68Barack Obama
1-100 | 101-200 | 201-300 > >>

About WikiRank

The project is intended for automatic relative evaluation of the articles in the various language versions of Wikipedia. At the moment the service allows to compare over 44 million Wikipedia articles in 55 languages. Quality scores of articles are based on Wikipedia dumps from August, 2024. When calculating current popularity and AI of articles data from July 2024 was taken into account. For historical values of popularity and AI WikiRank used data from 2001 to 2023... More information

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