The most popular articles on Min Nan Wikipedia in July 2010
ver. 1.6
# Changes Title Popularity
201 402009 nî
202 25Hiong-káng
203 42I-ha̍k
204 5Opera
205 2592Tāi-liân-chhī
206 202ASP.NET
207 262Qatar
208 1731972 nî
209 1048Poàn-tó
210 44Jia̍t-tài
211Hô-lân kok-ka kha-kiû-tūi
212 162Seng-bu̍t-ha̍k
213 56Se-pan-gâ-gí
214 37572010 nî 7 goe̍h
215 4Lietuva
216 15Hàn-gí
217 1361989 nî
218 24Bô-chek-chui tōng-bu̍t
219 1Kiàn-tio̍k
220 27121886 nî
221 1Su-lī-a
222 39Iâ-so͘
223 47Chheng-kok
224 164Ho̍h-ló-oē
225 136Latin Bí-chiu
226 192Tiat-ha̍k
227 10Chong-kàu
228 56Estonia
229 102Í-sek-lia̍t
230 88Kok-chè Im-phiau
231 39
232 51Sng-sò͘
233 35Sò͘-ha̍k
234 94Romania
235 118Serbia
236 4157Angkor
237 15Belarus
238 895Somalia
239 447Tāi-iûⁿ-chiu
240 70Tek-gí
241 2171961 nî
242 57WordPress
243 26Tang A-chiu
244 37Pa-lí
245 61AIDS
246 27Suez Ūn-hô
247 451978 nî
248 102007 nî
249 90Si̍t-bu̍t
250 63Sinai Poàn-tó
251 83Phû-tô-gâ-gí
252 32Lâm-tó gí-hē
253 189Chham-khó chu-liāu lia̍t-toaⁿ
254 31Iōng-chiá kài-bīn
255 458Polynesia
256 78Croatia
257 1818Kosovo
258 9Tiān-iáⁿ
259 1241994 nî
260 47Liap-sī
261 328Bí-chiu
262 45Barack Obama
263 118Lûn-tun
264 17Bí-kim
265 98Hòa-ha̍k
266 1Ki-tok-kàu
267 27387 goe̍h 4 ji̍t
268 38Pháiⁿ-thé
269 36Saudi A-la-pek
270 6Bí-kok ê chiu
271 116Hái-oan
272 81PHP
273 6Ji̍t-pún bàng-gah
274 90Baku
275 123Au-chiu Liân-bêng
276 103Slovakia
277 562002 nî
278 16Im-ga̍k
279 73Sex and the City
280 274Thài-pêng-iûⁿ
281 126Tiān-sī
282 282Bab-el-Mandeb Hái-kiap
283 164Chok-gia̍p hē-thóng
284 30Colombia
285 1581Si̍t-bîn-chú-gī
286 2Haiti
287 7Ma-lá-lí-á
288 241Hô-lân-gí
289 54Bangladesh
290 82Tē-lí
291 87Chèng-hú
292 411968 nî
293 81Euro
294 41Sè-kí
295 171969 nî
296 64Hi-lia̍p-gú
297 3280Kiōng-sán Tóng
298 27Kok-chè Tan-ūi Hē-thóng
299 221Ē-mn̂g-ōe gú-im hē-thóng
300 95Chile
<< < 1-100 | 101-200 | 201-300 | 301-400 | 401-500 > >>

About WikiRank

The project is intended for automatic relative evaluation of the articles in the various language versions of Wikipedia. At the moment the service allows to compare over 44 million Wikipedia articles in 55 languages. Quality scores of articles are based on Wikipedia dumps from August, 2024. When calculating current popularity and AI of articles data from July 2024 was taken into account. For historical values of popularity and AI WikiRank used data from 2001 to 2023... More information

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