The most popular articles on Danish Wikipedia in August 2021
ver. 1.6
# Changes Title Popularity
901 19Bodil Jørgensen
902 6304Mest sete danske film
903 159George Michael
904 47Masterchef Danmark
905 957Mads Brügger
906 3142Athene
907 710David Beckham
908 2611Jødedom
909 7Marokko
910 224Florence Griffith-Joyner
911 3913Afrodite
912 1278Pi (tal)
913 332Jimmy Jørgensen
914 874Lady Gaga
915 651Lars Christiansen (håndboldspiller)
916 816Jannik Vestergaard
917 2193Abdel Aziz Mahmoud
918 1608Svensk pølseret
919 1428Malene Schwartz
920 917Jonas Vingegaard
921 1115Libanon
922 597Paradise Hotel (Danmark, sæson 15)
923 522Christiansfeld
924 402Sharon Tate
925 78Dansk (sprog)
926 3387Joel Hyrland
927 417Amy Winehouse
928 331Tønde land
929 321Pilou Asbæk
930 203Ernest Hemingway
931 3608Wilhelm Dinesen
932 1976Stenbukken (stjernetegn)
933 1016Rasmus Tantholdt
934 389Carlsberg
935 2091Odysseus
936 2641Nicolaj Kopernikus
937 2519Ku Klux Klan
938 334Henrik Kauffmann
939 191David Bowie
940 38Søvnparalyse
941 539Frihedsgudinden
942 129Axolotl
943 82Esbjerg forenede Boldklubber
944 193Silkeborg
945 3397Asger Leth
946 1343Atletik under sommer-OL 2020
947 67Anne Mari Lie
948 235Knud Rasmussen
949 303Det danske stelnummersystem for cykler
950 507Skamlingsbanken
951 128Helsingør
952 529Harriet Tubman
953 3203Allan Simonsen (racerkører)
954 365Ærø
955 248Angelina Jolie
956 2953Opium
957 628Venedig
958 313Dronning Mary af Danmark
959 299Portugal
960 5253Astrid Krag
961 3302Oldtidens Grækenland
962 1536Niels Olsen (skuespiller)
963 86John Mogensen
964 220Argentina
965 356Natascha Kampusch
966 113Frederik 7.
967 611Knud Romer
968 469Koldinghus
969 109Quentin Tarantino
970 539Lobotomi
971 55Aqua (band)
972 442Backgammon
973 331Druk (film)
974 320Verdens største metropolområder
975 26491De største helte
976 847Solsystemet
977 1105Anders Lund Madsen
978 48Krøniken
979 432Niels Bohr
980 10881London Has Fallen
981 26Liste over længst fængslede
982 2513Forenede Nationer
983 3816Remco Evenepoel
984 10394Ron Wood
985 310Whitney Houston
986 2681Memphis Depay
987 2356Norges håndboldlandshold (herrer)
988 2664Ida Auken
989 1417Christiane Schaumburg-Müller
990 244Afsnit af Rejseholdet
991 4929Pernille Rosenkrantz-Theil
992 430Thure Lindhardt
993 11683Garrottering
994 1910Keanu Reeves
995 590Egeskov Slot
996 2936Carbon
997 60Grandonkel
998 1518Danmarks Riges Grundlov
999 149Jehovas Vidner
1000 1192Martin Luther
<< < 701-800 | 801-900 | 901-1000

About WikiRank

The project is intended for automatic relative evaluation of the articles in the various language versions of Wikipedia. At the moment the service allows to compare over 44 million Wikipedia articles in 55 languages. Quality scores of articles are based on Wikipedia dumps from August, 2024. When calculating current popularity and AI of articles data from July 2024 was taken into account. For historical values of popularity and AI WikiRank used data from 2001 to 2023... More information

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