The most popular articles on Min Nan Wikipedia in June 2021
ver. 1.6
# Changes Title Popularity
601 191Wikinews
602 201Kiōng-sán-chú-gī
603 912Sió-bē
604 169Tōng-ōe
605 2132000 nî
606 186Carolus Linnaeus
607 125Ang-á-ōe
608 4Chéng (hun-lūi-ha̍k)
609 1Hoat-kok ê kong-siā
610 62Chek-soh tōng-bu̍t
611 85Pài-it
612 809911 Sū-kiāⁿ
613 336Atom
614 3317Hòa-chong-phín
615 839Hòng-sàng
616 30Internet Protocol
617 354Jules Verne
618 64Keng-chè
619 9071Kok-ka Gú-giân Hoat-tián Hoat
620 237Lūn-nî
621 714MP3
622 1937Malta
623 59Netflix
624 424New Mexico
625 139Podcasting
626 33Sok-ka
627 233Sî-kan
628 240Tē-tiong-hái
629 522Êng-gia̍p-gia̍h
630 749Ú-tiū
631 5057Khā-lú-siúm
632 301Napoléon 1-sè
633 272Sim-lí-ha̍k
635 629Goe̍h-niû
636 1253Ko-lê-jī
637 44Hòa-ha̍k
638 752La-jí-oh hòng-sàng
639 203Tē-lí
640 892Lâm-tó gí-hē
641 259Tiong-kok Kok-bîn Tóng
642 6371989 nî
643 1421999 nî
644 1421461
645 3696 goe̍h 6 ji̍t
646 1083Alabama
647 242Azerbaijan
648 8314Barium
649 8389Bí-kok Thài-khong Kun
650 375C++
651 3158Chhiú-chí Ông
652 243Chū-jiân-sò͘
653 34Ethiopia
654Hóe-sîn ê Ba̍k-sái
655 2683John F. Kennedy
656 264Kong-khai kong-si
657 4Kàu-oân
658 7301Lemma
659 35Leonardo da Vinci
660 148Nigeria
661 26Phishing
662 95Pó-io̍k chōng-hóng
663 325Siong-phiau
664 4Thian-bûn-ha̍k
665 1191Thâu-jī-gí
666 218Thóng-kè-ha̍k
667 515VoIP
668 453Chū-tōng-chhia
669 222Slovakia
670 220Benin
671 584Lī-pa-lùn
672 151Pho-lân-gí
673 958SHA-2
674 100Chu-liāu
675 171Khe
676 593Ono Zirô
677 46Sūi-tián-gí
678 489Lâm A-chiu
679 526To̍k-li̍p Tâi-oân Hoē
680 490Thòaⁿ-sò͘
681 492Kun-chú li̍p-hiàn
682 490Tang Au-chiu
683 99Siú-siòng
684 4222011 nî
685 22276A-mei
687 8237Andriy Shevchenko
688 2094Belgrade
689 739Bhutan
690 741Chek-sî thong-sìn
691 2121Chhau-chi̍p-khì
692 357Chi-ku-la̍t
693 252Elon Musk
694 608Elsevier
695 204Euro
696 1512Guinea-Bissau
697 229He̍k-chheⁿ
698 516IBM
699 888Jîn-thé
700 111Léng-chiàn
<< < 401-500 | 501-600 | 601-700 | 701-800 | 801-900 > >>

About WikiRank

The project is intended for automatic relative evaluation of the articles in the various language versions of Wikipedia. At the moment the service allows to compare over 44 million Wikipedia articles in 55 languages. Quality scores of articles are based on Wikipedia dumps from August, 2024. When calculating current popularity and AI of articles data from July 2024 was taken into account. For historical values of popularity and AI WikiRank used data from 2001 to 2023... More information

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