The most popular articles on Min Nan Wikipedia in November 2014
ver. 1.6
# Changes Title Popularity
801 690Vilnius
802 2151968 nî
803 5105 goe̍h 6 ji̍t
804 762Sahara
805 45Kim-chheⁿ
806 41Jîn-kang tì-lêng
807 1155Pêng-hong kong-chhioh
808 480Kheh-ka-gí
809 229Chhiah-tō
810 423Cook Kûn-tó
811 252Honduras
812 577IBM
813 88Immanuel Kant
814 1474Marx-chú-gī
815 112Koa-si
816 621Sin-bûn
817 2216Kok-chè Khong-ūn Hia̍p-hōe
818 5891903 nî
819 1074 goe̍h 21 ji̍t
820 7058 goe̍h 9 ji̍t
821 30Warszawa
822 7451904 nî
823 89Helsinki
824 171Kòe-ōe
825 3543 goe̍h 26 ji̍t
826 244Hó͘
827 150Pháiⁿ-thé
828 212Connecticut
829 59Gâm
830 606Sigmund Freud
831 840Tōa Siau-tiâu
832 342Thn̂g-jiō-pēⁿ
833 47011 goe̍h 1 ji̍t
834 6181 goe̍h 4 ji̍t
835 350Kang-gia̍p Kek-bēng
836 261931 nî
837 26410 goe̍h 27 ji̍t
838 714Julius Caesar
839 541Occitan-gí
840 10611 goe̍h 2 ji̍t
841 693Au-chiu Gī-hōe
842 810Gī-hōe
843 1287Ji̍t-pún bàng-gah
844 113Adobe Flash
845 1216 sè-kí
846 425 goe̍h 4 ji̍t
847 5965 goe̍h 8 ji̍t
848 188Atom
849 106Charles Darwin
850 312Montserrat
851 441Palau
852 235Ronald Reagan
853 41610 goe̍h 2 ji̍t
854 49410 goe̍h 7 ji̍t
855 282Tang Au-chiu
856 38Hoân-gí
857 4311957 nî
858 6041940 nî
859 1220Chek-chui tōng-bu̍t
860 347Jia̍t-tài
861 13841 goe̍h 29 ji̍t
862 368DNA
863 799Au-chiu Thài-khong Chóng-sú
864 143Hamburg
865 293Jîn-lūi-ha̍k
866 4Kò-jîn tiān-náu
867 394Nazi Tek-kok
868 487Saint Kitts kap Nevis
869 235Tāi-ha̍k
870 580Winston Churchill
871 107811 goe̍h 12 ji̍t
872 1248 goe̍h 23 ji̍t
873 39912 goe̍h 8 ji̍t
874 12382 goe̍h 27 ji̍t
875 113Sîn-sèng Lô-má Tè-kok
876 6871922 nî
877 1161930 nî
878 169Chhiū
879 272Chu-pún-chú-gī
880 63Le̍k-hoat
881 21012 goe̍h 1 ji̍t
882 118Holocaust
883 1286Sè-kài Gîn-hâng
884 208Tó-sū
885 943Chesko-gí
886 2334 goe̍h 25 ji̍t
887 368Bill Gates
888 1447Chèng-tóng
889 319Chi-bai-íⁿ
890 696Lâm Sudan
891 627Margaret Thatcher
892 175Niger
893 175Saint Vincent kap Grenadines
894 116Senegal
895 1173Tony Blair
896 4910 goe̍h 16 ji̍t
897 71934 nî
898 1272 goe̍h 22 ji̍t
899 463Rhein Hô
900 7752 goe̍h 25 ji̍t
<< < 601-700 | 701-800 | 801-900 | 901-1000 > >>

About WikiRank

The project is intended for automatic relative evaluation of the articles in the various language versions of Wikipedia. At the moment the service allows to compare over 44 million Wikipedia articles in 55 languages. Quality scores of articles are based on Wikipedia dumps from November, 2023. When calculating current popularity and AI of articles data from October 2023 was taken into account. For historical values of popularity and AI WikiRank used data from 2001 to 2023... More information

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