The most popular articles on Volapük Wikipedia in May 2021
ver. 1.6
# Changes Title Popularity
501 275Ontario
502 275Paragvän
503 73Prilul 12
504 440Setul 1
505 121Vükiped Litaliyänapükik
506 3956Waldemar Rosenberger
507 234Wien
508 16Wisconsin
509 283Zänodamel
510 53Tünisän
511 2901955
512 2921966
513 1521Anthony Hopkins
514 587Badän⸗Vürtän
515 107Bim
516 249Buk
517 350Burkinän
518 217Carolus Linnaeus
519 143Dekul
520 1538Folkspraak
521 2809Heather Wayne
522 379Illinois
523 4854Johann Hummler
524 84Johann Schmidt
525 676Julia Grandi
526 10Kabovärduäns
527 2845Kazan
528 179Köolog
529 238Lomän
530 210Malteän
531 605Martti Ahtisaari
532 1779Mayul 24
533 301Mul
534 37München
535 2067Napa
536 39Netasogädim
537 39Nogan
538 610Nürnberg
539 312Prilul 19
540 125Rumänapük
541 1126Samovuäns
542 467Toronto
543 229Vatikän
544Vladimir Alekno
545 161Washington (tat)
546 91Yordän
547 359Yupitär
548 28019Yura Muradov
549 6951883
550 1951895
551 7971913
552 1181959
553 251963
554 3591982
555 3591983
556 271986
557 1521988
558 795Alan Turing
559Andrey Tarkovskiy
560 29Boad
561 1171Bolak
562 157Dekul 3
563 186Del
564 918Erfurt
565 253Galileo Galilei
566 1333Globasa
567 188Gustul 17
568 412Hof
569 30Immanuel Kant
570 259Indiana
571 4822Joseph Stempfl
572 63Kahirä
573 632Kostarikän
574 557Kroasänapük
575 156Lad
576 705Lantigeän e Barbudeän
577 38Laosän
578 190Lop
579 63Lusbekän
580 291Mard
581 491Miami
582 31Namibiyän
583 566Orlando (Florida)
584 257Prilul 20
585 568Saluda-Tomeän e Prinsipeän
586 5357Santa Cruz (provin)
587 157Senegalän
588 102South Carolina
589 501Svin
590 358Turkmenän
591 105Vietnamänapük
592 578Vödabuk
593 310William Shakespeare
594 844X
595 10Yulul
596 1442Bevüslav
597 3141906
598 7541934
599 6471949
600 971967
<< < 301-400 | 401-500 | 501-600 | 601-700 | 701-800 > >>

About WikiRank

The project is intended for automatic relative evaluation of the articles in the various language versions of Wikipedia. At the moment the service allows to compare over 44 million Wikipedia articles in 55 languages. Quality scores of articles are based on Wikipedia dumps from August, 2024. When calculating current popularity and AI of articles data from July 2024 was taken into account. For historical values of popularity and AI WikiRank used data from 2001 to 2023... More information

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