The most popular articles on Volapük Wikipedia in April 2023
ver. 1.6
# Changes Title Popularity
1 14B
2 3V
3 19597Hildegard Knef
4 21A
5 24U
7 1D
8 20X
9 17Z
10 2I
11 20Q
12 8O
13 2M
14 13H
15 2J
16 3L
17 13T
18 2F
19 12G
20 2N
21 3E
22 1P
23 6S
24 1R
25 16K
26 12Y
27 150Frederikshavn
28 36Siyop
29 83Jenav
30 1011Rumänapük
31 1293Dödel
32 3Volapük nulik
33 1470Ciudad de México
34 1002Konömav
35 16213Solamasat
36 5207Heinz Bennent
37 25968Janusz Gajos
38 2312023
39 4022Delabuk
40 20379Leon Niemczyk
41 20387Leonid Kuravlyov
42 22936Valentin Gaft
43 22393Shelley Berman
44 8026Tim Curry
45 16466Timothy Hutton
46 187Tom Hanks
47 4804Basshunter
48 18Aleksandr Pal
49 5Koordinatasit taledavik
50 2Filosop
51 2Roma
52 131
53 1642006
54 32Fransän
550Regän Pebalöl
56 118Volakrig balid
57 191Latin
58 225Polän
59 4Yelataib
60 20Belgän
61 5Lamerikän
62 6301914
63 408Detik
64 23Yurop
65 39Vükinunäds
66 433U2
67 7Vükiped
68 369Facebook
69 667Sulüda-Koreyän
70 73Matemat
71 633Kuliv
72 433Lafab kirilik
73 3941974
74 752Vietnamän
75 570Yulul 26
76 706Oslo
77 585Tobul 23
78 22Kubeän
79 592Fid
80 1132Hindiy
81 703Pük
82 1941Harry Potter
83 1108Carolus Linnaeus
84 830Los Angeles
85 1088Bangladejän
86 452Florida
87 719Singapurän
88 936Hebrey
89 641Lisladeän
90 406Netahüm
91 1618Panamän
92 46Slam
93 865Portugänapük
94 1119Québec
95 1611Norgänapük
96 1167Tehran
97 1058Televidöm
98 1288Viorajolän
99 418Washington
100 33Deutän
1-100 | 101-200 | 201-300 > >>

About WikiRank

The project is intended for automatic relative evaluation of the articles in the various language versions of Wikipedia. At the moment the service allows to compare over 44 million Wikipedia articles in 55 languages. Quality scores of articles are based on Wikipedia dumps from August, 2024. When calculating current popularity and AI of articles data from July 2024 was taken into account. For historical values of popularity and AI WikiRank used data from 2001 to 2023... More information

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