The most popular articles on Danish Wikipedia in Feruary 2017
ver. 1.6
# Changes Title Popularity
401 11Tycho Brahe
402 91Liberalisme
403 153Finland
404 1049Ruben Søltoft
405 43Tyrkiet
406 287Folketingsvalget 2015
407 359Panseksualitet
408 1323Anne Louise Hassing
409 517Caitlyn Jenner
410 93Socialdemokratiet
411 290Tuberkulose
412 6805Alfred Hitchcock
413 53Glukose
414 44Nazisme
415 1422Marie Curie
416 1742Pernille Vermund
417 96Auschwitz koncentrationslejr
418 295Guldhornene
419 43Dansk Folkeparti
420 145Google
421 15612The Imitation Game
422 371Blåhval
423 36Tiger
424 1581Fifty Shades of Grey (film)
425 55Døde i 2017
426 118Frederik 9.
427 878Amerikansk fodbold
428 185Abraham Lincoln
429 663Jesper Christensen
430 232Stephania Potalivo
431 226Kim Fupz Aakeson
432 4712Joakim Ingversen
433 79Internet Movie Database
434 1941Parken
435 115N.F.S. Grundtvig
436 52Manchester United F.C.
437 522Brun bjørn
438 5291Hans Otto Bisgaard
439 67Kommunisme
440 34Skotland
441 1572Lise Baastrup
442 3Josef Stalin
443 241Søs Egelind
444 143Karl Marx
445 42Demokrati
446 51Frihedsgudinden
447 816Antisemitisme
448 439Romertal
449 32Vulkan
450 177Pest
451 100Energi
452 233Rasmus Seebach
453 239Paul Pogba
454 9123Claus Beck-Nielsen
455 209Enhedslisten
456 47Brasilien
457 8Sri Lanka
458 49Verdens befolkning
459 230Casper Christensen
460 36Holocaust
461 649Lars Mikkelsen
462 244Idealgasligning
463 171Vladimir Putin
464 1731Mia Lyhne
465 35Lyd
466 273Verdens landes BNP
467 125Bil
468 99Bonderøven
469 765Nicole Kidman
470 1079Bob Marley
471 43Menneske
472 174Novelle
473 381Ivanka Trump
474 14Marilyn Monroe
475 2957Mia Helene Højgaard
476 116Liberal Alliance
477 134Kommuner i Danmark
478 66Herman Bang
479 7726Dansk Melodi Grand Prix 2016
480 244Ghita Nørby
481 19278Gertrude Stein
482 129Guld
483 3307Erik Clausen
484 46Normalside
485 106Filippinerne
486 36Victoria af Storbritannien
487 402Forventet levealder
488 62Anja og Viktor
489 224Det Osmanniske Rige
490 780Jesper Langberg
491 12535Lotte Kiærskou
492 67Charles Darwin
493 79Renæssancen
494 188Livsvarigt fængsel
495 60Danmarks regioner
496 172Neymar
497 28Kuldioxid
498 58Islam
499 93Penicillin
500 177Scarlett Johansson
<< < 201-300 | 301-400 | 401-500 | 501-600 | 601-700 > >>

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The project is intended for automatic relative evaluation of the articles in the various language versions of Wikipedia. At the moment the service allows to compare over 44 million Wikipedia articles in 55 languages. Quality scores of articles are based on Wikipedia dumps from August, 2024. When calculating current popularity and AI of articles data from July 2024 was taken into account. For historical values of popularity and AI WikiRank used data from 2001 to 2023... More information

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