The most popular articles on Danish Wikipedia in April 2013
ver. 1.6
# Changes Title Popularity
201 74Danmarks Riges Grundlov
202 61Herman Bang
203 41Lys
205 62Bryllupsdag
206 257Zlatan Ibrahimović
207 305Spartacus
208 36Hamborg
209 35Verdens lande
210 19Aminosyre
211 6Internet
212 1158Jarl Friis-Mikkelsen
213 15Nazisme
214 108Afrika
215 21Istanbul
216 547Peter Schmeichel
217 45Heath Ledger
218 92Napoleon 1. af Frankrig
219 59Martin Luther
220 92Justin Timberlake
221 29Anna Pihl
222 38Elvis Presley
223 123Etik
224 156Bruno Mars
225 25Kernevåben
226 28Vikingetid
227 4Østrig
228 1741Bitcoin
229 43Amerikanske borgerkrig
230 127Egypten
231 198Michel Foucault
232 34Marilyn Monroe
233 67Brasilien
234 39Ku Klux Klan
235 66USA's delstater
236 2780Christian Kjær
237 40Albert Einstein
238 30699Orientekspressen
239 1450Jan Sonnergaard
240 56Radioaktivitet
241 68Novelle
242 28Leonardo da Vinci
243 90Rasmus Seebach
244 119Medina (sanger)
245 1683Kakao
246 202Senmoderne samfund
247 666Lars Mikkelsen
248 346Modernisme
249 371Immanuel Kant
250 45New York (flertydig)
251 199Den industrielle revolution
252 16Eventyr
253 12Apartheid
254 7Kommunisme
255 143Kim Larsen
256 394Johanne Schmidt-Nielsen
257 256Freddie Mercury
258 648Volbeat
259 256Chi i anden-test
260 29D
261 1Lady Gaga
262 24Irland
263 266Gini-koefficient
264 7059Robert Lewandowski
265 32Socialdemokratiet
266 233Ekspressionisme
267 78Japan
268 15Udsagnsord
269 29Det gyldne snit
270 775Mark Zuckerberg
271 6Skede (kønsorgan)
272 116A
273 236Anthony Giddens
274 62SWOT-analyse
275 244Glukose
276 8Charles Darwin
277 144Induktion (metode)
278 91William Shakespeare
279 959Kim Jong-il
280 76Socialisme
281 23Dan Turèll
282 84World Trade Center
283 8Sigmund Freud
284 50Impressionisme
285 222Linjens ligning
286 151Blodtype
287 128Dansk Vestindien
288 18472Vivi Bak
289 195Karl Marx
290 3Terrorisme
291 266Christine Antorini
292 162F.C. København
293 24Nicki Minaj
294 41FC Barcelona
295 1537DDoS
296 113Diskurs
297 192Deduktion
298 4Josef Stalin
299 103Paris
300 19Kuldioxid
<< < 1-100 | 101-200 | 201-300 | 301-400 | 401-500 > >>

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The project is intended for automatic relative evaluation of the articles in the various language versions of Wikipedia. At the moment the service allows to compare over 44 million Wikipedia articles in 55 languages. Quality scores of articles are based on Wikipedia dumps from August, 2024. When calculating current popularity and AI of articles data from July 2024 was taken into account. For historical values of popularity and AI WikiRank used data from 2001 to 2023... More information

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