The most popular articles on Min Nan Wikipedia in December 2014
ver. 1.6
# Changes Title Popularity
601 280Nicaragua
602 3Sierra Leone
603 228Sigmund Freud
604 3637 goe̍h 10 ji̍t
605 2931934 nî
606 280Georgia
607 43Muammar al-Qadafi
608 9908 goe̍h 16 ji̍t
609 4508 goe̍h 29 ji̍t
610 2892 goe̍h 22 ji̍t
611 234Adobe Flash
612 72ISO
613 124Lesotho
614 280Saint Vincent kap Grenadines
615 347Antigua kap Barbuda
616 3497Vasilij Vasil'evič Kandinskij
617 8743 goe̍h 14 ji̍t
618 99Lông-gia̍p
619 245Keng-chè-ha̍k
620 451928 nî
621 9018 goe̍h 14 ji̍t
622 176Hóe-chheⁿ
623 751952 nî
624 8661 goe̍h 23 ji̍t
625 178Iâ-so͘
626 12006 goe̍h 19 ji̍t
627 122Bāng-ia̍h
628 210Kong-chhioh
629 351Praha
630 62Vladimir Putin
631 5937 goe̍h 7 ji̍t
632 11Haiti
633 223Tang Au-chiu
634 258Sin-bûn-chóa
635 96Sèⁿ-miā-thé
636 7778 goe̍h 22 ji̍t
637 23Tāi Put-lia̍t-tian
638 31Kang
639 7001910 nî
640 5931920 nî
641 2611956 nî
642 1475 goe̍h 20 ji̍t
643 266Alexandros Tāi-ông
644 977Cambridge Tāi-ha̍k
645 5998 goe̍h 15 ji̍t
646 458Jī-bó-hē
647 301933 nî
648 385Frankfurt am Main
649 163Hindi-gí
650 13Ang-á-ōe
651 320Hūi-tō͘
652 161IBM
653 145Mayotte
654 26Tiong-hui Kiōng-hô-kok
655 6066 goe̍h 7 ji̍t
656 2178 goe̍h 23 ji̍t
657 8631911 nî
658 72710 goe̍h 31 ji̍t
659 44011 goe̍h 7 ji̍t
660 22Alaska
661 79412 goe̍h 31 ji̍t
662Tâi-pak-chhī Chhī-tiúⁿ
663 186Gîn
664 389Sūi-tián-gí
665 995Gì-tah
666 302Tang-lâm-a Kok-ka Liân-bêng
667 364Chéng (hun-lūi-ha̍k)
668 12996 goe̍h 26 ji̍t
669 834CD
670 408Tē-lí
671 55Lo̍k-sam-ki
672 5595 goe̍h 5 ji̍t
673 18110 goe̍h 2 ji̍t
674 28410 goe̍h 12 ji̍t
675 88312 goe̍h 15 ji̍t
676 13259 goe̍h 21 ji̍t
677 4451960 nî-tāi
678 28Congo Bîn-chú Kiōng-hô-kok
679 219Mali
680 10Mauritania
681 7561 goe̍h 11 ji̍t
682 31Kosovo
683 7139 goe̍h 25 ji̍t
684 64811 goe̍h 23 ji̍t
685 83812 goe̍h 16 ji̍t
686 9Seng-thài-ha̍k
687 35911 goe̍h 15 ji̍t
688 70A-lú-mih
689 27Lâm A-chiu
690 352Kǹg-khîm
691 1269Ûi-thoân-ha̍k
692 181970 nî-tāi
693 314Bûn-ha̍k
694 91Keng-chè
695 267Lêng-liōng
696 4612 goe̍h 23 ji̍t
697 1381932 nî
698 46310 goe̍h 9 ji̍t
699 174Dominica Kiōng-hô-kok
700 43Latin Bí-chiu
<< < 401-500 | 501-600 | 601-700 | 701-800 | 801-900 > >>

About WikiRank

The project is intended for automatic relative evaluation of the articles in the various language versions of Wikipedia. At the moment the service allows to compare over 44 million Wikipedia articles in 55 languages. Quality scores of articles are based on Wikipedia dumps from August, 2024. When calculating current popularity and AI of articles data from July 2024 was taken into account. For historical values of popularity and AI WikiRank used data from 2001 to 2023... More information

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