The most popular articles on Min Nan Wikipedia in April 2009
ver. 1.6
# Changes Title Popularity
801 32Inuit-gí
802 269O͘-chúi-kau
803 746Bahamas
804 447Chéng-cho̍k-chú-gī
805 255Continental Airlines 3407-hō pan-ki
806 306George Washington
807 286Montana
808 59Nobel Bûn-ha̍k Chióng
809 225Sè-kài
810 282Osman Tè-kok
811 3511950 nî
812 326Sèng-tàn-cheh
813 3471917 nî
814 611936 nî
815 1784Christophorus Columbus
816 2021959 nî
817 3492 goe̍h
818 1961931 nî
819 421Lenin
820 761Canberra
821 201Liszt Ferenc
822 271Gîn
823 407Julius Caesar
824 73IUCN Âng Miâ-toaⁿ
825 56San-ô͘-chiau
826 145Sù-tô͘ Hēng-toān
827 6741930 nî-tāi
828 41Alabama
829 87Aqaba Oan
830 639Jimmy Carter
831 316Mogadishu
832 289San Marino
833 289Tāi-lio̍k
834 104Tanzania
835 2750William Howard Taft
836 207Kun-chú li̍p-hiàn
837 132Le̍k-hoat
838 240Ma-lá-lí-á
839 2521930 nî
840 238Siú-to͘ lia̍t-toaⁿ
841 112Kang-sai-séng
842 2432000 nî-tāi
843 13004 goe̍h 1 ji̍t
844 13004 goe̍h 2 ji̍t
845 110British Columbia
846 748Chhiú-chí Ông
847 301Eritrea
848 35Kenya
849 285L
850 496La-jí-oh hòng-sàng
851 503Minnesota
852 775Natasha Richardson
853 15Sí-hêng
854 1500Winnenden chhèng-kek sū-kiāⁿ
855 298Pháiⁿ-thé
856 245Warszawa
857 76Tiong-iong Chêng-pò Kio̍k
858 551Chū-jiân soán-te̍k
859 86Falkland Kûn-tó
860 107Ú-lîm
861 114Phô-tô-chiú
862 202Sîn-sèng Lô-má Tè-kok
863 213Muhammad
864 1126Kau-phòe
865 27318 sè-kí
866 2961960 nî-tāi
867 352Doctor Who
868 728Fidel Castro
869 248Guernsey
870 237Sak-khuh
871 11764 goe̍h 5 ji̍t
872 365Leng
873 28Skandinavia
874 8661821 nî
875 69Mozilla
876 229Sîn-oē
877 170Khióng-pò͘-chú-gī
878 546Hyôgo-koān
879 251Archimedes
880 973Bangkok
881 50Buffalo (New York)
882 229Djibouti
883 444Hô-khe
884 72
885 151Rwanda
886 415Sicilia
887 1208Turkish Airlines
888 12Jakarta
889 35Texas
890 19Massachusetts
891 97Jīn-sek-lūn
892 942Kó͘-chhoe
893 32Sin-iok Sèng-keng
894 521Chheng-bêng
895 35Tāi-khì-khoan
896 9Québec
897 158Chù-im hû-hō
898 408Ko͘
899 321365 kang
900 1656BASIC
<< < 601-700 | 701-800 | 801-900 | 901-1000 > >>

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The project is intended for automatic relative evaluation of the articles in the various language versions of Wikipedia. At the moment the service allows to compare over 44 million Wikipedia articles in 55 languages. Quality scores of articles are based on Wikipedia dumps from August, 2024. When calculating current popularity and AI of articles data from July 2024 was taken into account. For historical values of popularity and AI WikiRank used data from 2001 to 2023... More information

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