The most popular articles on Min Nan Wikipedia in September 2008
ver. 1.6
# Changes Title Popularity
501 68Só͘-lô-bûn Kûn-tó
502 369El Salvador
503 3New York
504 62Chi-bai-íⁿ
505 72Nn̄g-pe̍h-chit
506 97Îⁿ-hêng
507 149Chiàⁿ hái-ang
508 112Kuwait
509 275Nobel Hô-pêng Chióng
510 38Carolus Linnaeus
511 99Kok-chè chhiūⁿ-kî
512 143Unix
513 1101979 nî
514 29Tó-sū
515 152Napoléon 1-sè
516 73Kàu-hông Benedictus 16-sè
517 87Romania-gí
518 101Bahrain
519 221MediaWiki
520 251Muhammad Yunus
521 14Puerto Rico
522 43Router
523 461960 nî
524 289Siau-hòa hē-thóng
525 280Bí-chiu
526 26Honduras
527 519Khí-tiong-khí
528 127Kiōng-hô-kok
529 2Angola
530 211955 nî
531 251Kò-jîn sò͘-ūi chō͘-lí
532 310Eng-á
533 16UNESCO Sè-kài Ûi-sán
534 153Chio̍h-iû
535 32Slovenia
536 1861937 nî
537 13310 goe̍h
538 86Khióng-pò͘-chú-gī
539 541Andy Warhol
540 267Kenya
541 47Oscar Chióng
542 159Tang-lâm A-chiu
543 146Yemen
544 23Nobel Chióng
545 148Kàⁿ-sò͘
546 168Tiān-náu thêng-sek
547 225A
548 148C
549 175Hoé-piah
550 34Liechtenstein
551 186Sri Lanka
552 2001961 nî
553 218A-lú-mih
554 6Pâ-thiông
555 168Jia̍t-tài
556 26Tiô-chiu-ōe
557 531950 nî-tāi
558 12Bill Gates
559 288Khì-ap
560 139Tiâu-sián
561 24Karl Marx
562 924 goe̍h
563 188Kosovo
564 548
565 90Chek-chui tōng-bu̍t
566 451 goe̍h 1 ji̍t
567 222Goân-chú-hoan
568 15ISO
569 272Kó͘-phiò
570 279Mac OS
571 153Gîn
572 2876Iâ-lō͘-sat-léng
573 29Chhùi
574 166Martinique
575 321Mauritius
576 811963 nî
577 81Kang
578 1031933 nî
579 209Comoros
580 21Seychelles
581 46Tiong-iong Chêng-pò Kio̍k
582 37Thò͘-kho
583 27Guatemala
584 59Star Trek
585 686O͘-khang
586 2652009 nî
587 230Siáu-soat
588 3317 goe̍h
589 113Serbia kap Montenegro
590 183SIL International
591 147Liân-pang Tiâu-cha Kio̍k
592 18Ô͘-tia̍p
593 53Koan-kong
594 164Ui-le̍k-sū
595 69Jī-jī-pat Sū-kiāⁿ
596 64Chit-liōng
597 64Hun-chú
598 5Hā-sî-kan
599 288Thaksin Shinawatra
600 412Rhode Island
<< < 301-400 | 401-500 | 501-600 | 601-700 | 701-800 > >>

About WikiRank

The project is intended for automatic relative evaluation of the articles in the various language versions of Wikipedia. At the moment the service allows to compare over 44 million Wikipedia articles in 55 languages. Quality scores of articles are based on Wikipedia dumps from August, 2024. When calculating current popularity and AI of articles data from July 2024 was taken into account. For historical values of popularity and AI WikiRank used data from 2001 to 2023... More information

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