The most popular articles on Basque Wikipedia in March 2022
ver. 1.6
# Changes Title Popularity
501 236Jose Maria Iparragirre
502 46Erlijio
503 166Trikuharri
504 2991920
505 79Aiora Zulaika
506 8591Henry Sussexkoa
507 94Joxe Mari Agirretxe
508 4403Santiago Ospitalea
509 311942
510 231993
511 1911982
512 106África Baeta
513 423Basamortu
514 2131964
515 4121926
516 712014
517 1431Alfabetatze Euskalduntze Koordinakundea
518 384Mende
519 1991928
520 250Eibar
521 1271988
522 683Jon Mirande
523 929Wikiesanak
524 3211911
525 1591976
526 734Euskaldunon Egunkaria
527 590Indar
528 223Abendu
529 871986
530 434Dortoka
531 3691930
532 113Denbora
533 3251924
534 231953
535 2931971
536 3866Pott Banda
537 199Moldavia
538 149Suitza
539 32Txekia
540 560ISSN
541 125Clara Campoamor
542 425Emilia Landaluce
543 15Gatibu
544 128Lurraren atmosfera
545 190Kiev
546 31Ordenagailu
547 4111901
548 3161961
549 1701955
550 1241Politika
551 405Digital object identifier
552 204Giltzurrun
553 291Antzezle
554 578Kanadako literatura
555 118Fotosintesi
556 1411958
557 652015
558 189Islandia
559 334Musikaren historia
560 91Internet
561 178Odol
562 145Tigre
563 2101950
564 1641966
565 712013
566 203Pedro Axular
567 261948
568 2781973
569 351OpenStreetMap
570 557Medical Subject Headings
571 1841918
572 951939
573 251Apiril
574 36Uztail
575 521941
576 15Faxismo
577 581984
578 2332017
579 929Erregai fosil
580 91Aitana Ocaña
581 212Tsonga
582 302Txillardegi
583 113Ekain
584 142Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
585 2171908
586 1401983
587 197Ornodun
588 2071923
589 85Gobernuz kanpoko erakunde
590 2113Zikloi tropikal
591 436Errenteria
592 403Azaro
593 1841914
594 1851957
595 161943
596 1301959
597 241Hondarribia
598 447Klima aldaketa
599 11Euskal Herriko historia
600 1018Martxoaren 24
<< < 301-400 | 401-500 | 501-600 | 601-700 | 701-800 > >>

About WikiRank

The project is intended for automatic relative evaluation of the articles in the various language versions of Wikipedia. At the moment the service allows to compare over 44 million Wikipedia articles in 55 languages. Quality scores of articles are based on Wikipedia dumps from November, 2023. When calculating current popularity and AI of articles data from October 2023 was taken into account. For historical values of popularity and AI WikiRank used data from 2001 to 2023... More information

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