The most popular articles on Basque Wikipedia in August 2018
ver. 1.6
# Changes Title Popularity
2 4Wiki
3 4Euskara
4 5International Standard Book Number
50Natos y Waor
6 10Wikipedia
7Begoña Alegría
8 5Cookie
9 88Zorion Egileor
10 4Euskal Herria
11 9Manuel de Pedrolo
12 5Go!azen (telesaila)
13 10Kataluniako prozesu independentista
14 6Ingeles
15 6Espainia
16 2Ameriketako Estatu Batuak
17 160Amaia Gorostiza
18 23010Lejos del mar
19 15Carles Puigdemont
20 4Edukien banaketarako sarea
21 8Sarpen
22 1861Maravillas Lamberto
23 152018
24 7651975
25 11Donostia
26 7Izaro Andres Zelaieta
27 10271973
28 5841979
29 7981974
30 2Eztei
31 5761984
32 11Bilbo
33 4031980
34 9896Aretha Franklin
35 9981977
36 15241976
37 19Pirritx, Porrotx eta MariMotots
38 25Errusia
39 7Gipuzkoa
40 12Frantzia
41 7291985
42 16111983
43 155Alex Sardui
44 4Sexu harreman
45 228Skakeitan
46 10291978
47 60Gasteiz
48 36Euskararen jatorria
49 468Izaro Iraeta
50 3Alemania
51 628Ilaski Serrano
52 142Entziklopedia
53 8Aitana Etxeberria
540New York
55 14Erresuma Batua
56 1158Commonwealth
57 25Panama Hiria
58 7701981
59 48Koordenatu geografikoen sistema
60 9Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoa
61 7Kaze (MC)
62 65Madril
63 45Glaukoma (musika taldea)
64 2Europa
65 8331982
66 Lycosidae
67 45Gozategi
68 1770Eva Perón
69 35Ylenia Baglietto
70 5814Auschwitz
71 3Nøgen (musika taldea)
72 9307Damaris Egurrola
73 386Juan Sebastian Elkano
74 64Italia
75 4Bizkaia
76 244Vendetta (musika taldea)
77 16Nafarroa Garaia
78 42Internet
79 47HTTP
80 195Argentina
81 947Uruguai
82 110Brasil
83 155Alaitz eta Maider
84 981Unix denbora
85 41Nerea Alias
86 29Gaztelania
87 260Etsaiak
88 14416Kofi Annan
89 16Poli(binil kloruro)
90 426Des-kontrol
91 108Félix Linares
92 113HTML
93 1Bigarren Mundu Gerra
94 165Anje Duhalde
95 18Digital object identifier
96 510Washington
97 7Node.js
98 Rozalejoko markesaren jauregia
99 27Eguzki-sistema
100 227Juantxo Arakama
1-100 | 101-200 | 201-300 > >>

About WikiRank

The project is intended for automatic relative evaluation of the articles in the various language versions of Wikipedia. At the moment the service allows to compare over 44 million Wikipedia articles in 55 languages. Quality scores of articles are based on Wikipedia dumps from November, 2023. When calculating current popularity and AI of articles data from October 2023 was taken into account. For historical values of popularity and AI WikiRank used data from 2001 to 2023... More information

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