The most popular articles on Danish Wikipedia in Feruary 2008
ver. 1.6
# Changes Title Popularity
901 34Nordmakedonien
902 110Republik
903 233Zeus
904 124Atlanterhavet
905 126Danmarks regioner
906 20269 (stilling)
907 397Testosteron
908 140Innovation
909 12Cosinusrelation
910 50Oldtidens Grækenland
911 34Benny Andersen
912 522Recession
913 30Geografi
914 14Protestantisme
915 340Apollo 11
916 80AM og PM
917 48Blodtryk
918 58Ultraviolet lys
919 7Bamse (børne-tv)
920 69Kvinde
921 134Sunnisme
922 102Algeriet
923 186Økologi
924 81Antikken
925 177Psykoanalyse
926 157Stenalder
927 105Valdemar Sejr
928 97Tupac Shakur
929 328Burger King
930 59Diana, prinsesse af Wales
931 22Drab
932 95Tamkvæg
933 105Istanbul
934 80George Washington
935 45Christiansborg
936 102Politik
937 51992
938 9David Beckham
939 17Volbeat
940 395Roman
941 147Holger Danske
942 376Stieg Larsson
943 4582Westland Lynx
944 33Frekvens
945 921990'erne
946 48ADHD
947 52Weimarrepublikken
948 49Rød ræv
949 282Genre (litteratur)
950 165Isotop
951 401990
952 50Uland
953 212Liste over Danmarks statsministre
954 226A.P. Møller - Mærsk
955 29Panda
956 182Orange County (tv-serie)
957 621993
958 321Hawaii (ø)
959 326Mormon
960 377Elizabeth 1. af England
961 478Median
962 279Brændselscelle
963 141NGO
964 183Diamant
965 253Fængsel
967 194Google Earth
968 614Mew
969 191Venezuela
970 135Amager
971 382Victoria Beckham
972 414Fodboldbane
973 392Kvindelig omskæring
974 414Daniel Stern
975 261George Orwell
976 20Stjernebillede
977 92Jennifer Aniston
978 5Microsoft
979 314Meteor
980 224München
981 432Logaritme
982 184Kap Verde
983 171Bluetooth
984 464Videnskab
985 136Blu-ray Disc
986 139Peter Lundin
987 236Alexandra af Frederiksborg
988 181Zoofili
989 1485Huset på Christianshavn
990 206Korset
991 748Videnskabelig metode
992 95Vindenergi
993 72Hunderacer
994 73Nordkorea
995 245Mikhail Gorbatjov
996 144Højtryk og lavtryk
997 264Amy Winehouse
998 100Molekyle
999 505Jan Guillou
1000 340Richterskalaen
<< < 701-800 | 801-900 | 901-1000

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The project is intended for automatic relative evaluation of the articles in the various language versions of Wikipedia. At the moment the service allows to compare over 44 million Wikipedia articles in 55 languages. Quality scores of articles are based on Wikipedia dumps from August, 2024. When calculating current popularity and AI of articles data from July 2024 was taken into account. For historical values of popularity and AI WikiRank used data from 2001 to 2023... More information

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