The most popular articles on Volapük Wikipedia in Feruary 2016
ver. 1.6
# Changes Title Popularity
701 1811904
702 401906
703 1831937
704 2081938
705 3421943
706 2531957
707 2871971
708 4101979
709 6Bucureşti
710 412Cambridge
711 772Cape Town
712 352Carl Friedrich Gauss
713 704Columbus (Ohio)
714 228Dekul 22
715 22Delhi
716 189Denver (Colorado)
717 189Dokan Kim
718 410Gineyän
719 233Göteborg
720 75K
721 75Kirgidän
722 419Komoruäns
723 482Kovätän
724 124Liberän
725 631Liverpool
726 941Luzern
727 472Maryland
728 289Mayul 23
729 416Mayul 7
730 9Montana
731 287Moritän
732 232Mäzul 19
733 122Mäzul 29
734 71Mäzul 31
735 487N
736 935Natsionalnüy gimn Rossii
737 551Novul 11
738 490Numateor
739 370Oklahoma
740 413Palauvuäns
741 206Panamän
742 12Prilul 2
743 350Ruandän
744 941Saluda-Tomeän e Prinsipeän
745 59Seanakaedav
746 96Setul 17
747 118Setul 7
748 478Stän
749 492Tjadän
750 294Tobul 14
751 414Tobul 2
752 630Tobul 22
753 347Tobul 26
754 214Toronto
755 102Venud
756 534Vladimir Putin
757 557X
758 535Yanul 20
759 271Yanul 26
760 625Yanul 8
761 343Yulul 18
762 772Yulul 2
763 112Yulul 23
764 343Yulul 25
765 112Yulul 9
766 160Yunul 21
767 58Sofiya
768 76Badän⸗Vürtän
769 6351818
770 5631854
771 7001860
772 1611894
773 2791905
774 2531914
775 4131927
776 1131933
777 791941
778 1243Ahmedabad
779 2412Asheville
780 157Austin (Täxasän)
781 498Baltimore (Maryland)
782 109Bologna
783 41596Cabimas
784 552Charles Dickens
785 481Cleveland (Ohio)
786 360Delaware
787 150Detroit
788 1736El Paso (Täxasän)
789 1473Euclid (Ohio)
790 178F
791 1Foyümot
792 154Friedrich Nietzsche
793 341Grenadeän
794 84Gvayän
795 2Kostarikän
796 279Kraków
797 721Köln
798 638Ludwig Wittgenstein
799 79Ludwig van Beethoven
800 53Luruguyän

About WikiRank

The project is intended for automatic relative evaluation of the articles in the various language versions of Wikipedia. At the moment the service allows to compare over 44 million Wikipedia articles in 55 languages. Quality scores of articles are based on Wikipedia dumps from August, 2024. When calculating current popularity and AI of articles data from July 2024 was taken into account. For historical values of popularity and AI WikiRank used data from 2001 to 2023... More information

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