The most popular articles on Volapük Wikipedia in November 2015
ver. 1.6
# Changes Title Popularity
601 265Aleksandr Pujkin
602 334Embrun
603 2171893
604 991895
605 1711912
606 3201916
607 721932
608 711943
609 1291961
610 5791964
611 551966
612 1021977
613 53Beninän
614 55Dominikeän
615 195Elvis Presley
616 30Febul 11
617 384Febul 15
618 264Febul 2
619 150George W. Bush
620 134Georgän
621 323Hierusalem
622 50J
623 153Kostarikän
624 254Kroasänapük
625 107Ludwig van Beethoven
626 55Mayul 1
627 243Michigan
628 130Moritän
629 1125Novul 2
630 266Papuveän Nula-Gineyän
631 1571Prilul 25
632 1130Prilul 8
633 269Sulüda-Losetän
634 18Sydney
635 57Trinidadeän e Tobageäns
636 19Turkmenän
637 110V
638 127Yanul 17
639 476Yulul 1
640 126Yunul
641 92Küyiv
642 544Publius Vergilius Maro
643 2521921
644 1081939
645 1871952
646 21Bangkok
647 106Bologna
648 586Dekul 30
649 420Febul 8
650 62Gineyän
651 137Immanuel Kant
652 581Lerüträn
653 512Maynila
654 137Michelangelo
655 94Mudel
656 435N
657 139Nula⸗Mäxikän
658 606Novul 26
659 718Novul 30
660 64Oslo
661 1273Prilul 13
662 519Prilul 28
663 395Repüblikän
664 93Richard Wagner
665 840Roger Ebert
666 966Setul 15
667 523Setul 25
668 435Sloven
669 56Thomas Aquinas
670 1111Tirana
671 168Vancouver
672 317Wisconsin
673 39Wrocław
674 297Yanul 23
675 1314Yulul 2
676 171Zvanän
677 321Zänoda-Frikop
678 191Gottfried Leibniz
679 5451827
680 6351830
681 1361861
682 1941889
683 201902
684 221935
685 3681946
686 189Amman
687 339Belisän
688 249British Columbia
689 249Colorado
690 306Dekul 17
691 542Dekul 25
692 543Dekul 7
693 1023Essex
694 79F
695 188Febul 27
696 1439Gustul 16
697 181Hondurän
698 379Idaho
699 1202Justin Bieber
700 4489Kalkulam
<< < 401-500 | 501-600 | 601-700 | 701-800 | 801-900 > >>

About WikiRank

The project is intended for automatic relative evaluation of the articles in the various language versions of Wikipedia. At the moment the service allows to compare over 44 million Wikipedia articles in 55 languages. Quality scores of articles are based on Wikipedia dumps from August, 2024. When calculating current popularity and AI of articles data from July 2024 was taken into account. For historical values of popularity and AI WikiRank used data from 2001 to 2023... More information

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