The most popular articles on Norwegian (Nynorsk) Wikipedia in July 2011
ver. 1.6
# Changes Title Popularity
301 5971Tour de France
302 38Folkestyre
303 63Paris
304 55Bie
305 186Haiar
306 269Desta Marie Beeder
307 6462Kantarell
308 312Medisin
309 112Klima i USA
310 691Fysikk
311 1460Nordahl Grieg
312 37Svaler
313 3151700-talet
314 428Det latinske alfabetet
315 152Nordland fylke
316 102Operativsystem
317 49Vatn
318 1721800-talet
319 99Telemark fylke
320 68Hjarte
321 77Isbre
322 64Troll A
323 60Rogn
324 7431. juli
325 80Hardangerfjorden
326 20Afghanistan
327 257Carl XVI Gustaf av Sverige
328 24Aasmund Olavsson Vinje
329 1352009
330 1261Monaco
331 56Traktor
332 22Pakistan
333 218World Wide Web Consortium
334 242New Zealand
335 1604Tsjernobylulukka
336 328Svalbard
337 2051The Rolling Stones
338 63Afrika
339 5Runer
340 183Verdsveven
341 34Portable Document Format
342 4Buddhismen
343 26Anafylaksi
344 49Ja, vi elsker dette landet
345 332007
346 13Litauen
347 363Burot
348 97Led Zeppelin
349 766Mont Saint-Michel
350 426Diabetes mellitus
351 1Piggsvin
352 58500-talet fvt.
353 88Havål
354 46Singapore
355 659Sudan
356 37Linux
357 180Ny-Hellesund
358 238Israel
359 27Cuba
360 299Sopp
361 26Filippinane
362 149Det tredje riket
363 137Sola
364 95Rogaland fylke
365 1132002
366 118Bil
367 277Matematikk
368 130Gås
369 87Lengdegrad
370 82Kvinne
371 177Mellomalderen
372 215Sogndal Fotball
373 511945
374 124Haredyr
375 158Nevø
376 109Tre
377 1Religion
378 55Solgangsbris
379 505Æ
380 148Anatomi
381 135Japansk
382 2911Tastatur
383 112Peter Wessel Tordenskjold
384 526The Beatles
385 222Valuta
386 213GNU Free Documentation License
387 551961
388 152003
389 450Slovakia
390 9Romarriket
391 191Stril
392 96Berlin
393 403Gulsott
394 1081Hjørring
395 24Vitskap
396 57Kvadratkilometer
397 243Gud
398 4220Hekla
399 231Florida
400 2001Gro Harlem Brundtland
<< < 101-200 | 201-300 | 301-400 | 401-500 | 501-600 > >>

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The project is intended for automatic relative evaluation of the articles in the various language versions of Wikipedia. At the moment the service allows to compare over 44 million Wikipedia articles in 55 languages. Quality scores of articles are based on Wikipedia dumps from August, 2024. When calculating current popularity and AI of articles data from July 2024 was taken into account. For historical values of popularity and AI WikiRank used data from 2001 to 2023... More information

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