The most popular articles on Italian Wikipedia in Feruary 2020
ver. 1.6
# Changes Title Popularity
1 1050Diodato (cantante)
2 617Achille Lauro (cantante)
3 1Orthocoronavirinae
4 3141Bugo
5 97Elettra Lamborghini
6 23Festival di Sanremo 2020
7 39Rula Jebreal
8 583Elodie
9 114Festival di Sanremo
10 601Ricchi e Poveri
11 40Amadeus (conduttore televisivo)
12 626Pinguini Tattici Nucleari
13 8706Andromeda (mitologia)
14 100Influenza spagnola
15 1144Massacri delle foibe
16 7335Morgan (cantante)
17 43L'amica geniale (serie televisiva)
18 3Cristiano Ronaldo
19 6676Francesco Gabbani
20 2842Levante (cantante)
21 16SARS
22 11367Cantico dei cantici
23 43Premi Oscar 2020
24 SARS-CoV-2
25 2585Piero Pelù
26 373Diletta Leotta
27 45Rai
28 1710Sabrina Salerno
29 60Joaquin Phoenix
30 546Vincenzo Mollica
31 11Italia
32 1868Tiziano Ferro
33 2589Fiorello
34 2076Lewis Capaldi
35 509Rita Pavone
36 5132Irene Grandi
37 231Myss Keta
38 241917 (film)
39 6702San Valentino (festa)
40 23Skam Italia
41 40Kobe Bryant
42 87Erling Haaland
43 1515Kirk Douglas
44Locke & Key
45 15659Flavio Bucci
46 2286Mia Martini
47 3538ZeroZeroZero (serie televisiva)
48 39Jojo Rabbit
49 17Tommaso Buscetta
50 1953COVID-19
51 20La casa di carta
52 333Peste nera
53 2833Afrojack
54 46Elisabetta II del Regno Unito
55 844Festival di Sanremo 2019
56 1874Ted Bundy
57 1202Pandemia
58 1086Gli anni più belli (film 2020)
59 48Sex Education
60 957Storia del nuovo cognome
61 313Virus (biologia)
62 50415Codogno
63 57Joker (film 2019)
64 614Ghali (rapper)
65 7328Enrico Nigiotti
66 62Zlatan Ibrahimović
67 2338Alessandro Gassmann
68 456L'amica geniale (romanzo)
69 512Odio l'estate
70 593River Phoenix
71 3233Tosca (cantante)
72 2840Ema Stokholma
73 4185Marina Occhiena
74 30Cina
75 279Junior Cally
76 70Brad Pitt
77 4417Pechino Express
78 22Grey's Anatomy
79 113Lionel Messi
80 3763Miguel Ángel Félix Gallardo
81 62The New Pope
82 19Ciro Immobile
83 13Stati Uniti d'America
84 543Marracash
85 16Unione europea
86 24Wuhan
87 55Judy Garland
88 434Elena Ferrante
89 3631Rancore (rapper)
90 14938Sabrina Knaflitz
91 7949Raphael Gualazzi
92 771Dua Lipa
93 1732Bong Joon-ho
94 781Giovanna Civitillo
95 17Antonio Zequila
96 483Influenza
97 283Albert Einstein
98 6498Paolo Jannacci
99 2755Ferruccio Lamborghini
100 1Andrea Montovoli
1-100 | 101-200 | 201-300 > >>

About WikiRank

The project is intended for automatic relative evaluation of the articles in the various language versions of Wikipedia. At the moment the service allows to compare over 44 million Wikipedia articles in 55 languages. Quality scores of articles are based on Wikipedia dumps from August, 2024. When calculating current popularity and AI of articles data from July 2024 was taken into account. For historical values of popularity and AI WikiRank used data from 2001 to 2023... More information

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