The most popular articles on Danish Wikipedia in December 2017
ver. 1.6
# Changes Title Popularity
401 207Pi (tal)
402 1837Jacob Dinesen
403 183Indien
404 113Aminosyre
405 250Henrik Koefoed
406 8814Gabon
407 287Karsten Ree
408 238DNA
409 348Tina Dickow
410 261Martin Luther King
411 2013Mia Lyhne
412 3Wikimedia Commons
413 404Christian Eriksen
414 12541The Sound of Music (film)
415 377Nicklas Bendtner
416 32UEFA Champions League (mænd)
417 12018Tro, håb og kærlighed
418 5914VM i håndbold 2015 (kvinder)
419 2795Joaquín Guzmán Loera
420 566Guy Fawkes
421 211Schweiz
422 225Søren Rasted
423 300Sean Connery
424 325Carbon
425 1211John Mogensen
426 154Frankrig
427 4034Peters Jul
428 207Den Franske Revolution
429 10675Fie Woller
430 133Facebook
431 312Victoria af Storbritannien
432 144Verdensdel
433 652Peter Reichhardt
434 307Brint
435 98Johnny Depp
436 605The Rock (skuespiller)
437 189Canada
438 7754Bamses Julerejse
439 845Ghita Nørby
440 195John F. Kennedy
441 2242Tulipanboblen
442 212Spanien
443 162Google
444 3149Midgårdsormen
445 316Celle (biologi)
446 236Jennifer Aniston
447 76148Martin Lehmann
448 1882Area 51
449 8537Let Love Be Love
450 316Ilt
451 244Disney-tegnefilm
452 187Napoleon 1. af Frankrig
453 145Nikolaj Coster-Waldau
454 1242Pave Frans
455 6256Barry Gibb
456 2542Cameron Diaz
457 2566Last Christmas
458 2283Nikolai, greve af Monpezat
459 287Zlatan Ibrahimović
460 158Senmoderne samfund
461 482Selfridges
462 1584Christoffer Bro
463 732Allan Simonsen
464 2992Sonja Oppenhagen
465 1873Fnat
466 117Josef Stalin
467 350Kvælstof
468 184Verdens landes BNP pr. indbygger
469 116Aspergers syndrom
470 768Prins Henrik (1934-2018)
471 2846Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon
472 908Tv-julekalender
473 232Sri Lanka
474 18390Julekort
475 762Natascha Kampusch
476 13037Richard Kuklinski
477 1063Paul Walker
478 5918Sarah Iversen
479 2271Et juleeventyr
480 230Bruttonationalprodukt
481 129Helle Thorning-Schmidt
482 125New Zealand
483 389Caroline Wozniacki
484 5581Eddie Murphy
485 9618Hvid jul
486 11152Skyfall
487 38181Maximilian 1. (Tysk-romerske rige)
488 102Lars Mikkelsen
489 1167Britney Spears
490 268Svend Brinkmann
491 117Alfabet
492 1849Viggo Mortensen
493 240Adam Price
494 12981Line Myers
495 534Jussi Adler-Olsen
496 2016Valdemars Slot
497 1207Rowan Atkinson
498 5699Julepynt
499 1741Shrek
500 1065Kurt Cobain
<< < 201-300 | 301-400 | 401-500 | 501-600 | 601-700 > >>

About WikiRank

The project is intended for automatic relative evaluation of the articles in the various language versions of Wikipedia. At the moment the service allows to compare over 44 million Wikipedia articles in 55 languages. Quality scores of articles are based on Wikipedia dumps from August, 2024. When calculating current popularity and AI of articles data from July 2024 was taken into account. For historical values of popularity and AI WikiRank used data from 2001 to 2023... More information

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