The most popular articles on Volapük Wikipedia in July 2022
ver. 1.6
# Changes Title Popularity
701 380Volapükagased pro Nedänapükans
702 461860
703 741869
704 951873
705 511877
706 40Colorado
707 87Vermont
708 242Anna Petersen (Volapükan)
709 77Boad
710 163Bratislava
711 40Kaled
712 188Tallinn
713 37Wisconsin
714 54Utrecht (provin)
715 1091848
716 391854
717 1421888
718 183Ankara
719 75Kaenalav
720 418Kenosha
721 104Lukrayän
722 291Marie Johanna Verbrugh
723 51841
724 1201880
725 121Kathmandau
726 71Louisiana
727 64Yapän
728 411815
729 421822
730 911844
731 361852
732 1191858
733 87Bolit
734 107Mudel
735 58Riyad
736 149Regän Pebalöl
737 125Frisän
738 571853
739 611856
740 179Minnesota
741 59Sudel
742 93Tbilisi
743 100U2
744 44Bevüresod
745 44Kanadän
746 91832
747 951846
748 82Hamburg
749 40Muhamed
750 111Sarajevo
751 221842
752 130Chicago
753 31843
754 891855
755 1371864
756 248Nedän
757 76Warszawa
758 183Selän
759 841804
760 21830
761 1631849
762 138Buk
763 188Ebbe Vilborg
764 134Fit
765 98Helsinki
766 460Lordovig
767 139Nebraska
768 364Limburgän (Belgän)
770 131850
771 1771868
772 54Edinburgh
773 133Lafab
774 216Rumän
775 91821
776 461827
777 34Florida
778 155Linglän
779 117Lueg
780 12Vedel
781 190Volapük
782 19Yion
783 461802
784 401837
785 335Augustus
786 193Dinits Volapükamufa
787 414Eva Elfie
788 34Stel
789 1031808
790 1291834
791 713Devon
792 168Henriette Wolter
793 219Leopold Einstein
794 144Lisboa
795 88Rein
796 351814
797 591839
798 531851
799 40Delaware
800 76Dog

About WikiRank

The project is intended for automatic relative evaluation of the articles in the various language versions of Wikipedia. At the moment the service allows to compare over 44 million Wikipedia articles in 55 languages. Quality scores of articles are based on Wikipedia dumps from August, 2024. When calculating current popularity and AI of articles data from July 2024 was taken into account. For historical values of popularity and AI WikiRank used data from 2001 to 2023... More information

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