The most popular articles on Volapük Wikipedia in October 2010
ver. 1.6
# Changes Title Popularity
201 31Batumi
202 20Spanyänapük
203 1290Tobul 13
204 63Mata Hari
205 25Repüblikän
206 5Setul
207 1171916
208 397Henry Ford
209 33Washington
210 1591936
211 771989
212 36Gustul
213 100Lasärbäcän
214 307Leonardo da Vinci
215 351943
216 31979
217 106Vatikän
218 1761902
219 1151974
220 54Nolüda-Koreyän
221 113Tacikistän
222 113Lafab fonetik bevünetik
223 321903
224 1461905
225 153Dugäl
226 30Konömav
227 79Madrid
228 57Malaysiyän
229 26Vönotav
230 2681Plauen
231 801969
232 97Malteän
233 38Kenyän
234 102Novul
235 58Bayän
236 121918
237 1431919
238 47Andy Warhol
239 145Langolän
240 100New York (tat)
241 75Singapurän
242 681878
243 1821949
244 21964
245 1541966
246 189Yanul 1
247 20Yunul 17
248 331926
249 1471927
250 431941
251 150Libanän
252 24Täxasän
253 220Novul 11
254 47Cristoforo Colombo
255 101865
256 1391922
257 1571956
258 681994
259 40Nepalän
260 293Samovuäns
261 85Setul 17
262 451891
263 2011895
264 281910
265 961981
266 1611986
267 89Bologna
268 29Lestiyän
269 15Prilul
270 113Kubeän
271 1107Tobul 19
272 60Warszawa
273 10Yunul
274 31957
275 34Grusiyän
276 91Nolüda⸗Makedonän
277 81Kabovärduäns
278 91Kolumbän
279 97Monakän
280 138Pensülvän
281 37Särbän
282 18Sandro Botticelli
283 52Sauda-Larabän
284 3591857
285 1271911
286 29Lalaskän
287 77Kambocän
288 19Milano
289 111Ludwig van Beethoven
290 561901
291 661913
292 1231962
293 15Somalän
294 41Talav
295 72Venesolän
296 159Yanul 17
297 91Sankt-Peterburg
298 2481888
299 621988
300 197Arkimedes
<< < 1-100 | 101-200 | 201-300 | 301-400 | 401-500 > >>

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The project is intended for automatic relative evaluation of the articles in the various language versions of Wikipedia. At the moment the service allows to compare over 44 million Wikipedia articles in 55 languages. Quality scores of articles are based on Wikipedia dumps from August, 2024. When calculating current popularity and AI of articles data from July 2024 was taken into account. For historical values of popularity and AI WikiRank used data from 2001 to 2023... More information

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