The most popular articles on Volapük Wikipedia in September 2008
ver. 1.6
# Changes Title Popularity
601 414Belisän
602 621Brigitte Bardot
603 489Lofüda-Timoreän
604 87Mayul 6
605 67Michigan
606 8Montréal
607 55North Carolina
608 192Prilul 7
609 250Yulul 31
610 245Hollywood
611 300Tayvän
612 623Sacramento (Kalifornän)
613 252Québec
614 7381854
615 651879
616 2461897
617 467Charles Darwin
618 1035County Durham
619 333Febul 14
620 420Grenadeän
621 507Haitiyän
622 222Köln
623 378Lirakän
624 69Maryland
625 226Nolüda-Sipreän
626 205Pablo Picasso
627 426Sieraleonän
628 1042Silur
629 331Spinosaurus
630 248Tobul 3
631 183Vanuatuäns
632 42Yanul 25
633 276Yanul 3
634 135Fyodor Mihailovic Dostoyevskiy
635 351Raffaello
636 4671848
637 691889
638 141895
639 141916
640 2461925
641 465Bogotá
642 219Febul 23
643 66Henry Ford
644 225Kongoän (Repüblikän Demokratik)
645 399La Habana
646 56Mäzul 31
647 63Virginän
648 23Yanul 12
649 320Yanul 17
650 169Yunul 19
651 673Ludwik Zamenhof
652 811883
653 169Alfred Hitchcock
654 105Dekul 10
655 302Gustul 5
656 364Litayel
657 209Mäzul 20
658 181Mäzul 18
659 431Mayul 12
660 450Montana
661 46Nebraska
662 43Prilul 26
663 172São Paulo (tat)
664 100Slovakän
665 368Slovenän
666 545Svasiyän
667 97Tobul 21
668 125Toronto
669 239Vancouver
670 239Vesüda-Saharän
671 266Yulul 18
672 176Yunul 13
673 24Isaac Newton
674 1871862
675 511891
676 341Delaware
677 381Dimäjk
678 1937F. J. J. Belick
679 267Gustul 16
680 165Kolkata
681 129Lätiopän
682 188Louisiana
683 257Mayul 1
684 41Mayul 27
685 233Novul 10
686 Poitou-Charentes
687 446Särbän
688 500South Dakota
689 501Wyoming
690 106Yanul 22
691 124Yulul 13
692 428Marilyn Monroe
693 191Le Corbusier
694 901867
695 511870
696 911875
697 3841906
698 273Aachen
699 568Bangalore
700 74British Columbia
<< < 401-500 | 501-600 | 601-700 | 701-800 | 801-900 > >>

About WikiRank

The project is intended for automatic relative evaluation of the articles in the various language versions of Wikipedia. At the moment the service allows to compare over 44 million Wikipedia articles in 55 languages. Quality scores of articles are based on Wikipedia dumps from August, 2024. When calculating current popularity and AI of articles data from July 2024 was taken into account. For historical values of popularity and AI WikiRank used data from 2001 to 2023... More information

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