The most popular articles on Uzbek Wikipedia in Feruary 2008
ver. 1.6
# Changes Title Popularity
201 60016-fevral
202 183Benazir Bhutto
203 33Kislorod
204 251Pablo Picasso
205 861929
206 961976
207 3981-fevral
208 180Rus tili
209 22Venesuela
210 871958
211 963Mozilla Thunderbird
212 324Quyosh tizimi
213 8Fizika
214 1281949
215 791960
216 1591960-lar
217 17Ukraina
218 1041924
219 24Qozogʻiston
220 143Leonardo da Vinci
221 411940
222 451942
223 47Keniya
224 201Mars
225 211941
226 921950
227 841953
228 511954
229 114XVIII asr
230 534Choy
231 643Safari
233 23Geografiya
234 731922
235 1221956
236 213Kipr
237 25313-aprel
238 50Koreya Xalq Demokratik Respublikasi
239 84Jazoir
240 469Mona Lisa
241 104Belarus
242 631Mac OS X
243 59Estoniya
244 1091917
245 85Janubiy Afrika (tabiiy oblast)
246 1581920
247 197Intel
248 682Metafizika
249 5010-iyul
250 1011961
251 22620-aprel
252 1834-sentyabr
253 117Iyul
254 590Kosta-Rika
255 96XVI asr
256 103Albert Einstein
257 250Mustaqillik kuni
258 328Etika
259 220Mantiq
260 57Esperanto
261 25Kabisa yili
262 981913
263 391936
264 867Nazariya
265 54Gruziya
266 383Ernesto Che Guevara
267 1491901
268 1111932
269 201Asrlar
270 1597Eiffel minorasi
271 1401919
272 1171950-lar
273 1933-oktyabr
274 27Qirgʻiziston
275 32216-avgust
276 1691905
277 541923
278 625Iordan (maʼnolari)
279 274Gazeta
280 1361918
281 1781966
282 637Bobur
283 1251911
284 1581916
285 1841934
286 40Litva
287 16Sloveniya
288 2611-fevral
289 1071926
290 1501937
291 1431904
292 514-iyun
293 336Florida
294 11Grigoriy taqvimi
295 344Windows Vista
296 872Évariste Galois
297 1071898
298 203Boliviya
299 40Maydoniga koʻra mamlakatlar roʻyxati
300 467Radio
<< < 1-100 | 101-200 | 201-300 | 301-400 | 401-500 > >>

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The project is intended for automatic relative evaluation of the articles in the various language versions of Wikipedia. At the moment the service allows to compare over 44 million Wikipedia articles in 55 languages. Quality scores of articles are based on Wikipedia dumps from August, 2024. When calculating current popularity and AI of articles data from July 2024 was taken into account. For historical values of popularity and AI WikiRank used data from 2001 to 2023... More information

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