The most popular articles on Swedish Wikipedia in Feruary 2013
ver. 1.6
# Changes Title Popularity
1 478Yohio
2 10225Liv Strömquist
3 144Melodifestivalen 2013
4 294Alla hjärtans dag
5 2Sverige
6 1656Nicolaus Copernicus
7 538Roshana Hoss
8 4Michael B. Tretow
9 4Byteskomik
10 4Hugo Hagander
11 15Fettisdagen
12 973Lena Philipsson
13 524Danny Saucedo
14 9Zlatan Ibrahimović
15 124Zara Larsson
17 2769Anna Wahlgren
18 44Lionel Messi
19 18G – som i gemenskap
20 3Justin Bieber
21 22Jonas Sjöstedt
22 Mary Leakey
23 12One Direction
24 9Johan Falk
25 262Sean Banan
26 12Harry Potter
27 9Telefonförsäljning
28 104Påve
29 10USA
30 4Bipolär sjukdom
31 1Andra världskriget
32 20Natur
33 1Jorden
34 51239Oscar Pistorius
35 22Johan Falk (filmer)
36 476Oscarsgalan 2013
37 195David Beckham
38 3824Elsa Beskow
39 17Adolf Hitler
40 13Islam
41 31Människans anatomi
42 21Storebrorssamhälle
43 264Vasaloppet
44 186Semla
45 16Wikipedia
46 10152Louise Hoffsten
47 10Stockholm
48 102Ellinor Persson
49 19834Janet Leon
50 14610Ralf Gyllenhammar
51 26Aspergers syndrom
52 4Hinduism
53 146Malik Bendjelloul
54 23Wiki
55 19Buddhism
56 28Kap Verde
57 558Melodifestivalen
58 18Lista över svenska idiomatiska uttryck
59 24Gladiatorerna (TV-program)
60 131Eurovision Song Contest 2013
61 37Australien
62 18Michael Jackson
63 18Judendom
64 13Tyskland
65 161Tone Damli
66 25James Bond
67 23Första världskriget
68 1Latinska ordspråk och talesätt
69 27Stress
70 33Nyttig idiot
71 26Medlöpare
72 1415Sylvia Vrethammar
73 9Searching for Sugar Man
74 24Tänkande
75 3562Gottfrid Svartholm
76 136Magnesium
77 2051Gina Dirawi
78 33Italien
79 13Kristendom
80 19Frankrike
81 27Ingångssida
82 24Facebook
83 73Olof Palme
84 19Emotionellt instabilt personlighetssyndrom
85 407Go (brädspel)
86 77Cristiano Ronaldo
87 49Swedish House Mafia
88 9Spanien
89 68Mobiltelefon
90 4Gustav Vasa
91 85Förnuft
92 3807Seremedy
93 40Hjärnbark
94 16144Mats Ronander
95 120Nordkorea
96 2832Benedictus XVI
97 24Franska revolutionen
98 181Caroline af Ugglas
99 70Mainstream
100 22Cannabis
1-100 | 101-200 | 201-300 > >>

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The project is intended for automatic relative evaluation of the articles in the various language versions of Wikipedia. At the moment the service allows to compare over 44 million Wikipedia articles in 55 languages. Quality scores of articles are based on Wikipedia dumps from August, 2024. When calculating current popularity and AI of articles data from July 2024 was taken into account. For historical values of popularity and AI WikiRank used data from 2001 to 2023... More information

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