The most popular articles on Portuguese Wikipedia in January 2011
ver. 1.6
# Changes Title Popularity
101 86Bullying
102 4Futbol Club Barcelona
103 12H
104 102WikiLeaks
105 2Bob Marley
106 812Carnaval
107Marcela Temer
108 1679Roberta Close
109 47Club de Regatas Vasco da Gama
110 11Beyoncé
111 5Arroba (símbolo)
112 19Guns N' Roses
113 27Disco Blu-ray
114 38Hannah Montana
115 1673Rivaldo
116 94Robert Pattinson
117 11Amor
118 75Tyler James Williams
119 8Eduardo Saverin
120 1377Amy Winehouse
121 285Skins
122 2584Insensato Coração
123 57Real Madrid Club de Fútbol
124 27Eminem
125 131Charlie Sheen
126 44Austrália
127 1964Big Brother Brasil
128 373Big Time Rush
129 168Avril Lavigne
130 93Psicologia
131 1077Jennette McCurdy
132 331Anne Hathaway
133 145Associazione Calcio Milan
134 9Kama Sutra
135 15Grêmio Foot-Ball Porto Alegrense
136 79Will Smith
137 11380Eleições presidenciais portuguesas de 2011
138 122John Lennon
139 148Itália
140 28China
141 83Cruzeiro Esporte Clube
142 1536Chico Xavier
143 125Batman
144 6Língua portuguesa
145 59Pênis
146 12Lista de Cavaleiros de Athena
147 4The Vampire Diaries
148 64Alemanha
149 26Desconhecido
150 158Cristiano Ronaldo
151 2L
152 27888Ophiuchus
153 104Britney Spears
154 15Pink Floyd
155 18Carpe diem
156 72Eike Batista
157 22Rihanna
158 88Orgasmo
159 13Friedrich Nietzsche
160 140Taylor Lautner
161 5Metallica
162 63Esmeralda (telenovela)
163 157Dicionário Aurélio
164 484Isa TK+
165 23Canadá
166 30Elvis Presley
167 47Mortal Kombat
168 97Filosofia
169 76Ronaldo Nazário
170 158Campeonato Brasileiro de Futebol
171 99Clube Atlético Mineiro
172 116Neymar
173 112Fluminense Football Club
174 43Os Simpsons
175 147TV Globo
176 49Leonardo da Vinci
177 206Lionel Messi
178 12Lista de personagens da série Street Fighter
179 14Linkin Park
180 330The Suite Life on Deck
181 82França
182 99Primeira Guerra Mundial
183 872Demi Moore
184 15Espanha
185 201924 (telessérie)
186 677Homem-Aranha
187 32Albert Einstein
188 178Seleção Brasileira de Futebol
189 19204John Herbert
190 13Slipknot
191 15Nirvana (banda)
192 301X-Men
193 1Computador
194 12Shakira
195 6AC/DC
196 124Power Rangers
197 109Narguilé
198 16739Última Parada 174
199 393Natalie Portman
200 43Hemograma
<< < 1-100 | 101-200 | 201-300 | 301-400 > >>

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The project is intended for automatic relative evaluation of the articles in the various language versions of Wikipedia. At the moment the service allows to compare over 44 million Wikipedia articles in 55 languages. Quality scores of articles are based on Wikipedia dumps from August, 2024. When calculating current popularity and AI of articles data from July 2024 was taken into account. For historical values of popularity and AI WikiRank used data from 2001 to 2023... More information

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