The most popular articles on Basque Wikipedia in June 2023
ver. 1.6
# Changes Title Popularity
201 12921Taula-joko
202 31Italia
203 25Ingeles
204 128Adimen artifizial
205 8596Aktibo
206 14654PNG
207 38449Apple TV+
208 2289Sexu
209 400Artizarra
210 35Bernart Etxepare
211 92Paleolitoa
212 45997Telebista-aktore
213 3DO Interactive Multiplayer
214 81Eustakio Mendizabal
215 16402Robin Hood
216 1094Bangladesh
217 34446Irudi-sentsore
218 Telebistaren Arte eta Zientzien Akademia
219 1972Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances
220 226M
221 235Atmosfera
222 179Klima aldaketa
223 51878The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
224 12295Amalur Arbelaitz Arbelaitz
225 267C
226 2979Distantzia angeluar
227 34789Karat
228 2Athletic
229 54531Capcom
230 2491Gose jokoak
231 27007Rainer Maria Rilke
232 Malcolm in the Middle
233 68863Rol bideo-joko
234 181Q
235 124Animalia
236 73013Apple II
237 1592Hitzaurre
238 471Bar
239Saul fia
240 48197Chicagoko Arte Institutua
241 69Otso
242 600Edward Adrian Wilson
243 141Gerra Hotza
244 3811Nikita (filma)
245 2226Maureen O'Hara
246 67890Notting Hill
247 2593Ordu
248 209Shakira
249 40171Luis Buñuel
250 24253Puntu hazbeteko
251 2308Angstrom
252 71556Sherlock Holmesen Abenturak
253 16747CSV
254 Kramfors udalerria
255 28812Natalie Imbruglia
256 29041Sonic the Hedgehog
257 Tomb Raider
258 179Z
259 37176Sony Music
260 87Euskal Herria Bildu
261 55Erramun Martikorena
262 13689Peso mexikar
263 17Txakur
264 17397Barrukoa kanpoan
265 1607Dragoi Bola GT
266 2665Rate Your Music
267 59213Solomon R. Guggenheim Fundazioa
268 100Errege Bardea
269 61669All in the Family
270 273L
271 44700Louvre jauregia
272 58768Riemannen hipotesi
273 720Kanada
274 873Masa
275 Never Say Never Again
276 2775Sega Saturn
277 100Titi-koitoa
278 2Euskaltzaindia
279 53697Anne-Marie
280 Pataten bilketa
281 341T
282 306Koordenatu geografikoen sistema
283 Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
284 2597Alexandra Palace
285 2H
286 236Energia ez berriztagarri
287 195Pago
288 313K
289 26Nøgen (musika taldea)
290 7276Oxfordeko Unibertsitatea
291 Greyhound (argipena)
292 38Eusko Jaurlaritza
293 76213Fitzcarraldo
294 142Isurtze
295 Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness
296 103Giza sexualitate
297 274Giza eskubideak
298 3411989
299 473Donald ahatea
300Mr. Sandman
<< < 1-100 | 101-200 | 201-300 | 301-400 | 401-500 > >>

About WikiRank

The project is intended for automatic relative evaluation of the articles in the various language versions of Wikipedia. At the moment the service allows to compare over 44 million Wikipedia articles in 55 languages. Quality scores of articles are based on Wikipedia dumps from August, 2024. When calculating current popularity and AI of articles data from July 2024 was taken into account. For historical values of popularity and AI WikiRank used data from 2001 to 2023... More information

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