The most popular on Basque Wikipedia in 28 April 2021
ver. 1.6
Popular articles in 28 April 2021
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On 28 April 2021 the most popular articles in Basque Wikipedia were: Carles Puigdemont, Eusko Jaurlaritza, Garapen Jasangarriaren Helburuak, Gernikako bonbardaketa, Bilbo, Emilia Landaluce, Sua (musika taldea), Dupla (musika taldea), Maiatzaren 8, Wikipedia.
# | Changes | Title | Quality | |
1 | 0 | Carles Puigdemont | 56.0672 | |
2 | 8 | Eusko Jaurlaritza | 61.8866 | |
3 | 4 | Garapen Jasangarriaren Helburuak | 23.7661 | |
4 | 2 | Gernikako bonbardaketa | 93.9394 | |
5 | 35 | Bilbo | 95.9339 | |
6 | 3 | Emilia Landaluce | 5.565 | |
7 | Sua (musika taldea) | 21.1353 | ||
8 | Dupla (musika taldea) | 21.4683 | ||
9 | Maiatzaren 8 | 45.0683 | ||
10 | 5 | Wikipedia | 54.5324 | |
11 | 20 | Artaxoa | 58.1025 | |
12 | 8 | Euskara | 87.7255 | |
13 | 11 | David Beriain | - | |
14 | Hedoi Etxarte | 33.6366 | ||
15 | 147 | En Tol Sarmiento | 39.8868 | |
16 | 8 | Amaia Zubiria | 23.4859 | |
17 | 5 | Euskal Herria | 100.0 | |
18 | 2 | Eskujoko | 9.9378 | |
19 | 2 | Neolitoa | 36.5358 | |
20 | 100 | Garapen Jasangarrirako 12. helburua: ekoizpen eta kontsumo arduratsuak | - | |
21 | 4 | Erdi Aroa | 65.1515 | |
22 | 24 | Energia | 45.4018 | |
23 | 9 | Kleopatra | 36.8677 | |
24 | 13 | Euskal Herriko natura parkeak | 18.717 | |
25 | 548 | Musikaren historia | 35.4548 | |
26 | 683 | Bilboko Burdin Hesia | 47.3532 | |
27 | 705 | Isaac Newton | 59.747 | |
28 | 41 | Asier Odriozola | 26.551 | |
29 | Kontzeptu | 11.7035 | ||
30 | 11 | Digestio-aparatu | 44.4939 | |
31 | 5 | Aro Modernoa | 58.6949 | |
32 | 67 | Espainiako Gerra Zibila | 81.6216 | |
33 | 24 | Joseba Sarrionandia | 69.2815 | |
34 | 173 | Apirilaren 28 | 44.5198 | |
35 | 192 | Leonardo da Vinci | 100.0 | |
36 | 96 | Energia eoliko | 41.3792 | |
37 | Tutankamon | 28.4377 | ||
38 | El Risitas | - | ||
39 | Inauteriak Euskal Herrian | 52.9588 | ||
40 | 63 | Energia berriztagarri | 43.4262 | |
41 | 28 | Euskadi Ta Askatasuna | 100.0 | |
42 | 14 | Demokrazia | 50.1865 | |
43 | 8 | Txillardegi | 95.407 | |
44 | 168 | Arotzaren eskuak | 23.3641 | |
45 | 26 | Burkina Faso | 74.3049 | |
46 | 56 | Ekosistema | 41.0631 | |
47 | Philippe Gilbert | 17.3968 | ||
48 | Garapen Jasangarrirako 6. helburua: ur garbia eta saneamendua | - | ||
49 | 67 | Zelula | 95.4545 | |
50 | 719 | Louison Bobet | 21.382 | |
51 | 149 | Energia hidrauliko | 28.7528 | |
52 | 99 | Energia nuklear | 100.0 | |
53 | 31 | Antzinako Grezia | 64.5175 | |
54 | 300 | Pablo Picasso | 99.2424 | |
55 | 8 | Ihes betea | 22.4379 | |
56 | 7 | Espainia | 100.0 | |
57 | 116 | Adolf Hitler | 51.9008 | |
58 | 32 | Eguzki-energia | 32.3644 | |
59 | 40 | Euskal dantzak | 53.7465 | |
60 | 22 | Pindaro | 22.6221 | |
61 | 31 | Auguste Rodin | 38.9998 | |
62 | 23 | Lehen Mundu Gerra | 100.0 | |
63 | LPEE | 45.3146 | ||
64 | 55 | Musika | 54.3319 | |
65 | 3 | Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoa | 72.4214 | |
66 | Acworth (Georgia) | 8.3592 | ||
67 | 742 | Marie Curie | 100.0 | |
68 | 383 | Aitana Etxeberria | 29.0075 | |
69 | 46 | Energia geotermiko | 25.0447 | |
70 | Santurtzi | 69.6709 | ||
71 | Léopold Eyharts | 44.5433 | ||
72 | 56 | 110. Street-eko geltokia | 34.9754 | |
73 | 1 | Euskal Herriko mendiak | 40.3744 | |
74 | 108 | Nazio Batuen Erakundea | 55.1454 | |
75 | 52 | Aurresku | 49.3364 | |
76 | 65 | Gernika (margolana) | 57.8949 | |
77 | 124 | Go!azen (telesaila) | 77.4798 | |
78 | 406 | Tundra | 26.2213 | |
79 | Garapen Jasangarrirako 10. Helburua: Herrialde bakoitzean eta herrialde artean desberdintasunak murriztea. | - | ||
80 | 65 | Landare | 67.6621 | |
81 | 28 | Historiaurrea | 43.3872 | |
82 | 58 | Metal Aroa | 14.5991 | |
83 | Queen | 28.5772 | ||
84 | CAF-Elhuyar sariak | 28.7611 | ||
85 | 322 | Euskal literatura | 60.072 | |
86 | 231 | Jabier Agirre | 38.7042 | |
87 | Iñaki Ortiz de Villalba | 12.217 | ||
88 | 54 | Mesopotamia | 81.8473 | |
89 | 72 | Atletismo | 84.4029 | |
90 | 140 | Hatshepsut | 21.5645 | |
91 | 478 | Ion Iliescu | 23.0337 | |
92 | Lazkao Txiki | 35.5957 | ||
93 | 38 | Mikel Laboa | 60.5647 | |
94 | Andres Urdaneta | 61.3194 | ||
95 | Pinu | 52.3605 | ||
96 | 307 | Ramon Saizarbitoria | 44.9629 | |
97 | 212 | Bertsolaritza | 64.4759 | |
98 | Identitate sexual | 44.9409 | ||
99 | Holografia | 11.7235 | ||
100 | 62 | Bigarren Mundu Gerra | 77.728 |
Popularity of Basque Wikipedia in 28 April 2021
On 28 April 2021 Basque Wikipedia had 54.19 thousand visits from Spain, 6.62 thousand visits from United States, 3.39 thousand visits from Germany, 2.82 thousand visits from France, 2.59 thousand visits from Uzbekistan, 1.29 thousand visits from Korea (South), 1.26 thousand visits from India, 837 visits from Russian Federation, 646 visits from Turkey, 570 visits from Canada and 9.31 thousand visits from other countries.
Quality statistics
Topical rankings for Basque Wikipedia
About WikiRank
The project is intended for automatic relative evaluation of the articles in the various language versions of Wikipedia. At the moment the service allows to compare over 44 million Wikipedia articles in 55 languages. Quality scores of articles are based on Wikipedia dumps from August, 2024. When calculating current popularity and AI of articles data from July 2024 was taken into account. For historical values of popularity and AI WikiRank used data from 2001 to 2023... More information