The most popular articles on Basque Wikipedia in September 2020
ver. 1.6
# Changes Title Popularity
901 74750Pribilegio
902 3100Erreakzio kimiko
903 246SARS-CoV-2
904 650Ondarroa
905 557Kataluniako Autonomia Erkidegoa
906 13481939
907 1356Anjel Lertxundi
908 1076Ardi
909 461Bergara
910 4431Memoria (informatika)
911 548Nøgen (musika taldea)
912 492Debabarrena
913 723Donibane Lohizune
914 2254Hirugarren sektore
915 364Berlin
916 199Tokio
917 702Sabin Arana
918 11361Alzheimer
919 569Eneko Arista
920 2184Giza proba
921 265Industria
922 438Kolore
923 28Lazkao Txiki
924 488Urdaibai
925 Greziar kolonizazio
926 21501Arantzazu Ametzaga
927 221Azkoitia
928 18031Mantu
929 715RSS
930 450Web nabigatzaile
931 539Lizarra
932 616Poliomielitis
933 18085Meteorizazio
934 586Komunismo
935 665Athletic
936 21545Ataka (informatika)
937 586Eustakio Mendizabal
938 11374Irailaren 15
939 5459Erakunde
940 1238Bizkaia zubia
941 54081Matraze
942 20574Robert Laxalt
943 2460Lamina
944 782Frantziako Liburutegi Nazionala
945 29141933
946 888Anjel Alkain
947 604Estitxu Fernandez
948 1971Netiketa
949 536Skakeitan
950 3000Musika tresna
951 11936Joxantonio Ormazabal
952 7558Rosetta harria
953 183Euskal literatura
954 703Isurtze
955 14404Juan Jose Goiriena de Gandarias
956 389Xenpelar
957 27261Zentrosoma
958 236Trikuharri
959 811Frantses
960 280Android
961 615India
962 171Israel
963 2562Toti Martinez de Lezea
964 7742Abenduaren 31
965 10556Afrodita
966 658ISO 3166-1
967 25924Kromatina
968 781Ozeano
969 3587Pedagogia
970 20381Inbutu
971 4480Santiago Ramón y Cajal
972 3475Ioi
973 2423Ordenagailu pertsonal
974 230Kirol
975 230Urre
976 10627Aurora polar
977 285Elorrio
978 22221Greziako historia
979 3465Triangelu
980 3110Intentsitate elektriko
981 9224Irailaren 9
982 2277Millie Bobby Brown
983 908Tsongera
984 2565Epistemologia
985 5647Mitologia
986 4865Flysch
987 490Hernani
988 368Patxi Saez Beloki
989 17336Energia iturri
990 225Euskararen jatorria
991 381Ordu-eremu
992 530Urki
993 107Zornotza
994 27Eritasun
995 13712Magnitude (argipena)
996 537Austria
997 2818USB
998 2143Ugalketa
999 846Zorion Egileor
1000 514Zumarraga
<< < 701-800 | 801-900 | 901-1000

About WikiRank

The project is intended for automatic relative evaluation of the articles in the various language versions of Wikipedia. At the moment the service allows to compare over 44 million Wikipedia articles in 55 languages. Quality scores of articles are based on Wikipedia dumps from November, 2023. When calculating current popularity and AI of articles data from October 2023 was taken into account. For historical values of popularity and AI WikiRank used data from 2001 to 2023... More information

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