The most popular articles on Basque Wikipedia in December 2012
ver. 1.6
# Changes Title Popularity
701 98Minbizi
702 532Jazz
703 49Politika
704 160Angelu (geometria)
705 205Sigmund Freud
706 10161962
707 20Aniz
708 140Inkisizioa
709 465Prokarioto
710 1128Heavy metal
711 220Diabetes
712 337Lehendakari
713 313Darwinismo
714 146Heriotza zigor
715 405Aljeria
716 189Kanbodia
717 125XVIII. mendea
718 19Konstituzio
719 521Francisco Goya
720 160Taula periodikoa
721 187Louvre museoa
722 267Pluton (planeta nanoa)
723 14891941
724 300William Shakespeare
725 1406Köppen klima sailkapena
726 149Airearen kutsadura
727 363Pinu
728 427Hardware
729 233Praga
730 920Zinema
731 222Karbono hidrato
732 965Industrializazioa Euskal Herrian
733 1320Esperanto
734 311One Direction
735 395Gitarra
736 103GNU
737 454Zesar Augusto
738 506Anje Duhalde
739 103Errugbi
740 246Mendi
741 191Kate trofiko
742 12431901
743 666Arrantza
744 989Niko Etxart
745 107Falklandak
746 2681917
747 2Albania
748 307Johann Sebastian Bach
749 14811895
750 83316Balmoral hotela
751 110Ama Teresa Kalkutakoa
752 8Maitasun
753 13Holokaustoa
754 513Jesusen Lagundia
755 272Arrasate
756 47Klima
757 108Autismo
758 947Latinoamerika
759 47Letonia
760 627Beira
761 680Ipar Korea
762 191Bidasoa
763 152Agot
764 126Irrati (hedabidea)
765 941Margolaritza
766 334Osasuna futbol kluba
767 101Fisika
768 42Xenpelar
769 4International Standard Book Number
770 328Lehen Karlistaldia
771 244Azal (argipena)
772 115Azerbaijan
773 232Bikingo
774 285Uralak
775 13511956
776 15171967
777 89Argi
778 594Barack Obama
779 780Espezie
780 15Oïl hizkuntzak
781 16Michelangelo
782 172Iberiar penintsula
783 125Klaudio Ptolomeo
784 449Hil
785 11531985
786 1Arrano
787 91Lekeitio
788 322Nazioarteko Unitate Sistema
789 154Lauburu
790 89Mars Exploration Rover
791 353Zentral nuklear
792 398Informazioaren eta komunikazioaren teknologiak (IKT)
793 553Euskal Herriko klima
794 558Maialen Lujanbio
795 236Anjel Lertxundi
796 71Facebook
797 642Inuit
798 219Biolin
799 147Marie Curie
800 127Iosif Stalin

About WikiRank

The project is intended for automatic relative evaluation of the articles in the various language versions of Wikipedia. At the moment the service allows to compare over 44 million Wikipedia articles in 55 languages. Quality scores of articles are based on Wikipedia dumps from November, 2023. When calculating current popularity and AI of articles data from October 2023 was taken into account. For historical values of popularity and AI WikiRank used data from 2001 to 2023... More information

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