Citation index in Portuguese Wikipedia
ver. 1.6

This page contains the most cited articles of Portuguese Wikipedia. One citation means that some Wikipedia article has a hyperlink to a given article. Here only unique links counts - even if there are two or more links from the same article, it counts as one wikilink (one citation).

# Title Local citations
8301 Roncourt
8302 Rosbruck
8303 Rouhling
8304 Roupeldange
8305 Rozérieulles
8306 Russange
8307 Rustroff
8308 Rédange
8309 Réding
8310 Rémelfang
8311 Rémelfing
8312 Rémeling
8313 Rémering
8314 Saint-Hubert (Mosela)
8315 Saint-Jure
8316 Salonnes
8317 Sarralbe
8318 Sarraltroff
8319 Sarreinsming
8320 Saulny
8321 Schalbach
8322 Schmittviller
8323 Schneckenbusch
8324 Schwerdorff
8325 Schœneck (Mosela)
8326 Secourt
8327 Semécourt
8328 Sillegny
8329 Stuckange
8330 Tenteling
8331 Terville
8332 Thicourt
8333 Thimonville
8334 Thonville
8335 Théding
8336 Tincry
8337 Tragny
8338 Tressange
8339 Troisfontaines
8340 Tromborn
8341 Trémery
8342 Téterchen
8343 Vallerange
8344 Valmestroff
8345 Valmunster
8346 Vannecourt
8347 Vany
8348 Vasperviller
8349 Vatimont
8350 Vaudreching
8351 Vaxy
8352 Veckersviller
8353 Veckring
8354 Velving
8355 Vergaville
8356 Verny
8357 Vernéville
8358 Vescheim
8359 Vibersviller
8360 Vigy
8361 Viller
8362 Villing
8363 Virming
8364 Vittersbourg
8365 Vittoncourt
8366 Voimhaut
8367 Volstroff
8368 Voyer (Mosela)
8369 Vry
8370 Vulmont
8371 Waldweistroff
8372 Waldwisse
8373 Waltembourg
8374 Wiesviller
8375 Willerwald
8376 Wintersbourg
8377 Wittring
8378 Woustviller
8379 Xanrey
8380 Xocourt
8381 Xouaxange
8382 Zetting
8383 Zilling
8384 Zimming
8385 Zoufftgen
8386 Ébersviller
8387 Éblange
8388 Évrange
8389 Œting
8390 Planalto
8391 Trajano
8392 Erosão
8393 Mandíbula
8394 Sistema nervoso
8395 Imperador Romano-Germânico
8396 Transporte público
8397 Sousa Dantas
8398 Turbina a vapor
8399 Shawn Michaels
8400 IndieWire