Citation index in Portuguese Wikipedia
ver. 1.6

This page contains the most cited articles of Portuguese Wikipedia. One citation means that some Wikipedia article has a hyperlink to a given article. Here only unique links counts - even if there are two or more links from the same article, it counts as one wikilink (one citation).

# Title Local citations
8201 Kerbach
8202 Kirschnaumen
8203 Kirviller
8204 Knutange
8205 Kuntzig
8206 Kœnigsmacker
8207 Lachambre
8208 Lafrimbolle
8209 Landange
8210 Landroff
8211 Langatte
8212 Laning
8213 Laquenexy
8214 Laudrefang
8215 Laumesfeld
8216 Launstroff
8217 Lelling
8218 Lemoncourt
8219 Lemud
8220 Lessy
8221 Leyviller
8222 Lezey
8223 Lhor
8224 Liocourt
8225 Liéhon
8226 Lommerange
8227 Lorquin
8228 Lorry-Mardigny
8229 Lostroff
8230 Loupershouse
8231 Lubécourt
8232 Luppy
8233 Luttange
8234 Léning
8235 Macheren
8236 Mainvillers
8237 Maizeroy
8238 Malling
8239 Malroy
8240 Manhoué
8241 Many (Moselle)
8242 Marthille
8243 Maxstadt
8244 Menskirch
8245 Merschweiller
8246 Merten
8247 Metting
8248 Metzeresche
8249 Metzervisse
8250 Mey (Mosela)
8251 Molring
8252 Momerstroff
8253 Moncheux
8254 Moncourt
8255 Mondelange
8256 Mondorff
8257 Monneren
8258 Mécleuves
8259 Mégange
8260 Narbéfontaine
8261 Nelling
8262 Neufchef
8263 Neufgrange
8264 Neufmoulins
8265 Neufvillage
8266 Niderhoff
8267 Niedervisse
8268 Nilvange
8269 Nitting
8270 Noisseville
8271 Nouilly
8272 Oberstinzel
8273 Obervisse
8274 Oriocourt
8275 Ottange
8276 Ottonville
8277 Oudrenne
8278 Petite-Rosselle
8279 Pettoncourt
8280 Piblange
8281 Pierrevillers
8282 Plappeville
8283 Plesnois
8284 Pommérieux
8285 Pontoy
8286 Porcelette
8287 Postroff
8288 Prévocourt
8289 Puttigny
8290 Pévange
8291 Racrange
8292 Ranguevaux
8293 Raville
8294 Retonfey
8295 Rettel
8296 Richeling
8297 Richeval
8298 Rochonvillers
8299 Rodalbe
8300 Romelfing