The most popular articles on Norwegian Wikipedia in March 2009
ver. 1.6
# Changes Title Popularity
201 93Atombombene over Hiroshima og Nagasaki
202 48Hannah Montana
203 11Fernando Torres
204 36Den industrielle revolusjon
205 49Vann
206 59Den franske revolusjon
207 469Himmelblå
208 189Ole Einar Bjørndalen
209 45Drivhuseffekt
210 22California
211 19Internett
212 44Olav den hellige
213 34Lars Saabye Christensen
214 171Alkoholholdig drikke
215 40390Negar Khan
216 34Terrorangrepene 11. september 2001
217 37045Earth Hour
218 33Planet
219 36Marokko
220 40Karl Marx
221 46Big Bang
222 20Alf Prøysen
223 13Eventyr
224 44J.K. Rowling
225 8Snus
226 47Alexander Kielland
227 55The Pirate Bay
228 79Rihanna
229 294Immanuel Kant
230 113Ludvig Holberg
231 1367Varg Vikernes
232 19Demokrati
233 126Antisemittisme
234 3Pablo Picasso
235 28Muhammed
236 65Bulgaria
237 4Eminem
238 73Vulkan
239 79Svalbard
240 98Dødsstraff
241 5267Orderud-saken
242 153DNA
243 176Novelle
244 51Engelsk
245 1Ludwig van Beethoven
246 4Abort
247 57Protein
248 28Iran
249 150Big Ben
250 119Praha
251 151Oseania
252 47Fisk
253 51Hiphop
254 42Varmepumpe
255 40Karpe (musikkgruppe)
256 138Midtøsten-konflikten
257 33Nord-Amerika
258 400Petter Northug
259 964Bigbang
260 152Aboriginer
261 61Opplysningstiden
262 58Ungarn
263 7Amfetamin
264 51Venus
265 1Liberalisme
266 9Fordøyelsessystem
267 39Mount Everest
268 37Den ortodokse kirke
269 80Løve
270 32Albert Einstein
271 11Merkur
272 62Jamaica
273 4Home and Away
274 38Guns N’ Roses
275 100Den demokratiske republikken Kongo
276 7Tupac Shakur
277 43Romertall
278 26Homofili
279 23Liste over land etter innbyggertall
280 39Hjerte
281 146Psykopati
282 336Hordaland
283 30MDMA
284 93Republikken Kypros
285 67Liste over norske navnedager
286 2Inger Hagerup
287 38Sosialisme
288 12Iron Maiden
289 70Norges geografi
290 28Klitoris
291 89Kenya
292 27Irak
293 10Camilla Collett
294 360Nord-Irland
295 26Schizofreni
296 7Euro
297 69Energi
298 24Ringenes herre
299 37Postmodernisme
300 27Mars
<< < 1-100 | 101-200 | 201-300 | 301-400 | 401-500 > >>

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The project is intended for automatic relative evaluation of the articles in the various language versions of Wikipedia. At the moment the service allows to compare over 44 million Wikipedia articles in 55 languages. Quality scores of articles are based on Wikipedia dumps from August, 2024. When calculating current popularity and AI of articles data from July 2024 was taken into account. For historical values of popularity and AI WikiRank used data from 2001 to 2023... More information

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