The most popular articles on Galician Wikipedia in November 2014
ver. 1.6
# Changes Title Popularity
901 162Tui
902 903Carral
903 486Alcohol
904 545Ramón Piñeiro
905 203Poríferos
906 239Sirius
907 53051819
908 2791988
909 41991
910 248Bioloxía
911 1955Kali Yuga
912 370Winston Churchill
913 231Emiratos Árabes Unidos
914 20Trobadorismo
915 48Alfabeto
916 317Antigo Réxime
917 259Disco compacto
918 1238Salvador, Baía
919 714Hertz
920 16991895
921 761950
922 67HTML
923 128Pornografía
924 38Lionel Messi
925 58Hectárea
926 121Lingua turca
927 111Sistema inmunitario
928 208Pequín
929 348Muralla de Lugo
930 169Zooloxía
931 965Cantiga de amor
932 600Kenya
933 306Crustáceos
934 25291804
935 8171810
936 124Albania
937 27Armenia
938 6126Século IX
939 100Estocolmo
940 464Viquingo
941 253Aparello dixestivo
942 6British Broadcasting Corporation
943 26181894
944 88Bill Gates
945 354Navegador web
946 298Xoves
947 272BitTorrent
948 444Nacionalismo
949 400Teoría heliocéntrica
950 214Xeorxia, Estados Unidos de América
951 800Hititas
952 20381803
953 6211933
954 67Fragmoplasto
955 608Lista de ósos do esqueleto humano
956 66Xeorxia
957 165Muxía
958 697Petróglifo
959 377Premio Nobel de Fisioloxía ou Medicina
960 20801887
961 37Bolivia
962 356Economía
963 400ISO 4217
964 26Texas
965 116Lingua romanesa
966 47Freixo
967 115Rafael Nadal
968 640Isaac Díaz Pardo
969 655Xosé Neira Vilas
970 119Ilustración
971 557René Descartes
972 162Ferrocarril
973 251PDF
974 71Quilómetro
975 1104Afonso XIII de España
976 31681862
977 2113Innsbruck
978 422Parto
979 52Angola
980 123Eswatini
981 377Porto Rico
982 690Foro do bo burgo de Castro Caldelas
983 55Carballo común
984 610Lingua persa
985 20Delfínidos
986 894Bill Clinton
987 117Himno nacional
988 20481849
989 23211859
990 140Manuel Antonio
991 102Nikola Tesla
992 451Punto de cruz
993 73Federación
994 274Marea
995 22141848
996 15861892
997 1271992
998 57Tecnoloxía
999 315Feminismo
1000 376Montenegro
<< < 701-800 | 801-900 | 901-1000

About WikiRank

The project is intended for automatic relative evaluation of the articles in the various language versions of Wikipedia. At the moment the service allows to compare over 44 million Wikipedia articles in 55 languages. Quality scores of articles are based on Wikipedia dumps from November, 2023. When calculating current popularity and AI of articles data from October 2023 was taken into account. For historical values of popularity and AI WikiRank used data from 2001 to 2023... More information

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