Citation index in Uzbek Wikipedia
ver. 1.6

This page contains the most cited articles of Uzbek Wikipedia. One citation means that some Wikipedia article has a hyperlink to a given article. Here only unique links counts - even if there are two or more links from the same article, it counts as one wikilink (one citation).

# Title Local citations
5901 Renauvoid
5902 Repel
5903 Rochesson
5904 Rollainville
5905 Romain-aux-Bois
5906 Rouvres-en-Xaintois
5907 Rozerotte
5908 Rugney
5909 Ruppes
5910 Rupt-sur-Moselle
5911 Saint-Baslemont
5912 Saint-Benoît-la-Chipotte
5913 Saint-Jean-d'Ormont
5914 Saint-Maurice-sur-Mortagne
5915 Saint-Maurice-sur-Moselle
5916 Saint-Menge
5917 Saint-Michel-sur-Meurthe
5918 Saint-Nabord
5919 Saint-Prancher
5920 Saint-Stail
5921 Sanchey
5922 Sandaucourt
5923 Sans-Vallois
5924 Sartes
5925 Saulcy-sur-Meurthe
5926 Saulxures-sur-Moselotte
5927 Senaide
5928 Senonges
5929 Seraumont
5930 Sercœur
5931 Serocourt
5932 Sionne
5933 Socourt
5934 Soncourt
5935 Suriauville
5936 Taintrux
5937 Thaon-les-Vosges
5938 They-sous-Montfort
5939 Thiraucourt
5940 Tilleux
5941 Tollaincourt
5942 Totainville
5943 Trampot
5944 Tranqueville-Graux
5945 Ubexy
5946 Uxegney
5947 Uzemain
5948 Vagney
5949 Valfroicourt
5950 Valleroy-aux-Saules
5951 Valleroy-le-Sec
5952 Varmonzey
5953 Vaubexy
5954 Vaxoncourt
5955 Vecoux
5956 Ventron
5957 Vervezelle
5958 Vexaincourt
5959 Vicherey
5960 Vienville
5961 Ville-sur-Illon
5962 Villoncourt
5963 Villotte
5964 Villouxel
5965 Vincey
5966 Viocourt
5967 Viviers-le-Gras
5968 Vouxey
5969 Vroville
5970 Xamontarupt
5971 Xaronval
5972 Xertigny
5973 Xonrupt-Longemer
5974 Zincourt
5975 Tehron
5976 Tennessi
5977 Shimoliy Dakota
5978 Kosta-Rika
5979 Gruzinlar
5980 Tbilisi
5981 Vizantiya imperiyasi
5982 1926
5983 1929
5984 Gul
5985 Ukrainlar
5986 Amudaryo
5987 Liverpool F.C.
5988 1934
5989 2012-yilgi Yozgi Olimpiada oʻyinlari
5990 Janub
5991 Fizika
5992 Turkiya qishloqlari
5993 Amir Temur
5994 Oʻzbekiston xalq artisti
5995 Boliviya
5996 Oʻlim
5997 BBC News
5998 Minsk
5999 Zala
6000 Taksonomiya