Citation index in Uzbek Wikipedia
ver. 1.6

This page contains the most cited articles of Uzbek Wikipedia. One citation means that some Wikipedia article has a hyperlink to a given article. Here only unique links counts - even if there are two or more links from the same article, it counts as one wikilink (one citation).

# Title Local citations
4801 Les Magny
4802 Lieffrans
4803 Lieucourt
4804 Linexert
4805 Lomont
4806 Longevelle
4807 Loulans-Verchamp
4808 Lyoffans
4809 Lœuilley
4810 Magnivray
4811 Magnoncourt
4812 Magny-Danigon
4813 Magny-Jobert
4814 Magny-Vernois
4815 Mailleroncourt-Charette
4816 Mailleroncourt-Saint-Pancras
4817 Mailley-et-Chazelot
4818 Malbouhans
4819 Malvillers
4820 Mandrevillars
4821 Mantoche
4822 Marast
4823 Maussans
4824 Membrey
4825 Menoux
4826 Mersuay
4827 Meurcourt
4828 Mignavillers
4829 Moffans-et-Vacheresse
4830 Moimay
4831 Mollans
4832 Mont-le-Vernois
4833 Montagney
4834 Montboillon
4835 Montbozon
4836 Montcey
4837 Montcourt
4838 Montessaux
4839 Montjustin-et-Velotte
4840 Montureux-et-Prantigny
4841 Motey-Besuche
4842 Nantilly
4843 Navenne
4844 Neurey-en-Vaux
4845 Noidans-le-Ferroux
4846 Noiron
4847 Noroy-le-Bourg
4848 Oigney
4849 Oiselay-et-Grachaux
4850 Onay
4851 Oppenans
4852 Oricourt
4853 Ormenans
4854 Ormoiche
4855 Ouge
4856 Ovanches
4857 Palante
4858 Percey-le-Grand
4859 Perrouse
4860 Pesmes
4861 Plainemont
4862 Plancher-Bas
4863 Plancher-les-Mines
4864 Polaincourt-et-Clairefontaine
4865 Pomoy
4866 Pont-du-Bois
4867 Pont-sur-l'Ognon
4868 Pontcey
4869 Poyans
4870 Preigney
4871 Purgerot
4872 Quenoche
4873 Quers
4874 Raddon-et-Chapendu
4875 Raincourt
4876 Ranzevelle
4877 Renaucourt
4878 Rignovelle
4879 Rigny
4880 Rioz
4881 Roche-et-Raucourt
4882 Roche-sur-Linotte-et-Sorans-les-Cordiers
4883 Ronchamp
4884 Ruhans
4885 Saint-Broing
4886 Saint-Ferjeux
4887 Saint-Gand
4888 Saint-Loup-Nantouard
4889 Saint-Loup-sur-Semouse
4890 Sainte-Marie-en-Chanois
4891 Sainte-Marie-en-Chaux
4892 Saponcourt
4893 Saulnot
4894 Savoyeux
4895 Scye
4896 Secenans
4897 Semmadon
4898 Senargent-Mignafans
4899 Senoncourt
4900 Servigney