Citation index in Uzbek Wikipedia
ver. 1.6

This page contains the most cited articles of Uzbek Wikipedia. One citation means that some Wikipedia article has a hyperlink to a given article. Here only unique links counts - even if there are two or more links from the same article, it counts as one wikilink (one citation).

# Title Local citations
2701 Odessa tumani
2702 Okny
2703 Oleksandriiske
2704 Oleksandrivsk
2705 Olevsk
2706 Olshanske
2707 Onufriivka
2708 Opishnia
2709 Orativ
2710 Otyniia
2711 Pantaivka
2712 Perevalsk
2713 Pershotravneve
2714 Petrove
2715 Petrovske
2716 Pidkamin
2717 Pobuzke
2718 Pochaiv
2719 Podilsk
2720 Pokrovsk, Ukraina
2721 Ponornytsia
2722 Popilnia
2723 Reni, Ukraina
2724 Romodan
2725 Rozdil
2726 Rozdilna
2727 Rozdilna tumani
2728 Rudnytsia
2729 Sarata
2730 Sedniv
2731 Senkevychivka
2732 Serednie
2733 Shostka
2734 Shpola
2735 Shpykiv
2736 Shumsk
2737 Shypylivka
2738 Shyriaieve
2739 Shyshaky
2740 Skala-Podilska
2741 Skorokhodove
2742 Slatyne
2743 Slavske
2744 Smoline
2745 Sosnivka
2746 Sribne
2747 Stara Sil
2748 Stara Ushytsia
2749 Starobilsk tumani
2750 Staryi Saltiv
2751 Staryi Sambir
2752 Stebliv
2753 Stryzhavka
2754 Svatove
2755 Svatove tumani
2756 Svesa
2757 Svitlovodsk
2758 Sychanske
2759 Sytkivtsi
2760 Talalaivka
2761 Tarashcha
2762 Teofipol
2763 Teplodar
2764 Teresva
2765 Terezyne
2766 Ternivka
2767 Tetiiv
2768 Tiachiv tumani
2769 Troitske
2770 Trostianets
2771 Tsvitkove
2772 Tsybuliv
2773 Tulchyn
2774 Tyvriv
2775 Uhniv
2776 Ust-Chorna
2777 Ustynivka
2778 Utkivka
2779 Uzyn
2780 Vashkivtsi
2781 Velyka Berezovytsia
2782 Velyki Mosty
2783 Vendychany
2784 Verkhniachka
2785 Verkhnie Synovydne
2786 Viitivtsi
2787 Vilshana
2788 Vilshanka
2789 Vinkivtsi
2790 Volodarka
2791 Volovets
2792 Vorzel
2793 Voznesensk tumani
2794 Vylkove
2795 Vylok
2796 Yablunets
2797 Yabluniv
2798 Zakupne
2799 Zaliztsi
2800 Zapytiv