Citation index in Slovenian Wikipedia
ver. 1.6

This page contains the most cited articles of Slovenian Wikipedia. One citation means that some Wikipedia article has a hyperlink to a given article. Here only unique links counts - even if there are two or more links from the same article, it counts as one wikilink (one citation).

# Title Local citations
2601 U-597
2602 U-598
2603 U-599
2604 U-600
2605 U-603
2606 U-604
2607 U-607
2608 U-608
2609 U-609
2610 U-610
2611 U-611
2612 U-612
2613 U-613
2614 U-614
2615 U-615
2616 U-618
2617 U-620
2618 U-621
2619 U-623
2620 U-624
2621 U-626
2622 U-627
2623 U-628
2624 U-630
2625 U-632
2626 U-633
2627 U-635
2628 U-640
2629 U-643
2630 U-644
2631 U-645
2632 U-646
2633 U-647
2634 U-648
2635 U-651
2636 U-652
2637 U-654
2638 U-658
2639 U-659
2640 U-661
2641 U-662
2642 U-664
2643 U-665
2644 U-667
2645 U-669
2646 U-671
2647 U-672
2648 U-674
2649 U-675
2650 U-678
2651 U-679
2652 U-681
2653 U-682
2654 U-683
2655 U-702
2656 U-705
2657 U-706
2658 U-707
2659 U-709
2660 U-710
2661 U-715
2662 U-719
2663 U-720
2664 U-721
2665 U-734
2666 U-735
2667 U-736
2668 U-737
2669 U-743
2670 U-744
2671 U-746
2672 U-747
2673 U-748
2674 U-749
2675 U-750
2676 U-754
2677 U-758
2678 U-760
2679 U-761
2680 U-762
2681 U-765
2682 U-766
2683 U-774
2684 U-775
2685 U-778
2686 U-821
2687 U-825
2688 U-826
2689 U-901
2690 U-905
2691 U-907
2692 U-921
2693 U-922
2694 U-924
2695 U-926
2696 U-927
2697 U-951
2698 U-954
2699 U-955
2700 U-958