Citation index in Norwegian Wikipedia
ver. 1.6

This page contains the most cited articles of Norwegian Wikipedia. One citation means that some Wikipedia article has a hyperlink to a given article. Here only unique links counts - even if there are two or more links from the same article, it counts as one wikilink (one citation).

# Title Local citations
8901 SparkyLinux
8902 RAYS Linux
8903 Trisquel
8904 Turbolinux
8905 Ubuntu Touch
8906 Univention Corporate Server
8907 Ututo
8908 Gnagere
8909 Eric Heiden
8910 Lise Christoffersen
8911 Kanon
8912 Obotrittere
8913 Vitenskapsåret 2016
8914 Skillingstrykk
8915 Hellas under Sommer-OL 2004
8916 Caxias do Sul
8917 Pelotas
8918 Sveriges herrelandslag i ishockey
8919 Leif Aarvik
8920 Poritiinae
8921 Dvergblåvinge
8922 Lyrikkåret 1895
8923 Lyrikkåret 1869
8924 Oldtiden
8925 ISO 4217
8926 Fridtjof Nansen
8927 Vefsn
8928 Folkeforbundet
8929 Irlands herrelandslag i fotball
8930 ASP Linux
8931 Amazon Machine Image
8932 AntiX
8933 Aptosid
8934 Arch Hurd
8935 BLAG Linux and GNU
8936 Berry Linux
8937 Bodhi Linux
8938 Caldera Network Desktop
8939 Chromium OS
8940 ClearOS
8941 Cooperative Linux
8942 Corel Linux
8943 Cr OS Linux
8944 Cubuntu
8945 Dragora GNU/Linux-Libre
8946 Dreamlinux
8947 Dyne:bolic
8948 ELinOS
8949 Emdebian Grip
8950 Exherbo
8951 FTOSX Desktop
8952 Familiar Linux
8953 Finnix
8954 Foresight Linux
8955 GnuLinEx
8956 Granular Linux
8957 Grml
8958 Instant WebKiosk
8959 Jlime
8960 Jurix
8961 KahelOS
8962 Kali Linux
8963 KateOS
8964 Korora (operativsystem)
8965 Kurumin
8966 Libranet
8967 LinuxBBQ
8968 LinuxMCE
8969 Linux Deepin
8970 Linux from Scratch
8971 Liste over versjoner av Debian
8972 LliureX
8973 Lunar Linux
8974 MkLinux
8975 Moblin
8976 Musix GNU+Linux
8977 Network Security Toolkit
8978 Nova (operativsystem)
8979 OpenGEU
8980 Openmoko Linux
8981 PUD (operativsystem)
8982 Pentoo
8983 Qubes OS
8984 RPath
8985 Rebellin Linux
8986 Sailfish OS
8987 Salix OS
8988 Shark Linux
8989 Siduction
8990 Slackel
8991 Smallfoot
8992 SolusOS
8993 SolydXK
8994 Source Mage
8995 Soyombo Linux
8996 Stella (Linux)
8997 Stormix
8998 Symphony OS
8999 ThizLinux
9000 TinyMe