Citation index in Norwegian (Nynorsk) Wikipedia
ver. 1.6

This page contains the most cited articles of Norwegian (Nynorsk) Wikipedia. One citation means that some Wikipedia article has a hyperlink to a given article. Here only unique links counts - even if there are two or more links from the same article, it counts as one wikilink (one citation).

# Title Local citations
9801 Heddal stavkyrkje
9802 Karl II av Noreg
9803 808
9804 892
9805 908
9806 916
9807 760
9808 776
9809 620
9810 692
9811 503
9812 506
9813 512
9814 513
9815 517
9816 520
9817 522
9818 546
9819 556
9820 576
9821 580
9822 587
9823 594
9824 404
9825 408
9826 424
9827 428
9828 433
9829 434
9830 443
9831 444
9832 446
9833 447
9834 462
9835 463
9836 464
9837 467
9838 469
9839 473
9840 478
9841 479
9842 481
9843 485
9844 490
9845 492
9846 302
9847 319
9848 322
9849 327
9850 329
9851 331
9852 334
9853 336
9854 338
9855 339
9856 342
9857 344
9858 351
9859 356
9860 358
9861 362
9862 363
9863 371
9864 374
9865 377
9866 394
9867 396
9868 202
9869 203
9870 206
9871 102
9872 108
9873 109
9874 112
9875 114
9876 119
9877 123
9878 127
9879 131
9880 134
9881 136
9882 137
9883 141
9884 143
9885 147
9886 149
9887 151
9888 152
9889 153
9890 154
9891 158
9892 159
9893 165
9894 167
9895 169
9896 171
9897 173
9898 174
9899 177
9900 178