Citation index in Norwegian (Nynorsk) Wikipedia
ver. 1.6

This page contains the most cited articles of Norwegian (Nynorsk) Wikipedia. One citation means that some Wikipedia article has a hyperlink to a given article. Here only unique links counts - even if there are two or more links from the same article, it counts as one wikilink (one citation).

# Title Local citations
9201 Hæren
9202 Indre Østfold kommune
9203 Silje Karine Muotka
9204 Sportsklubben Haugar
9205 1116
9206 1175
9207 1033
9208 Lutefisk
9209 Marsipan
9210 Hybrid
9211 702
9212 704
9213 719
9214 721
9215 725
9216 728
9217 729
9218 733
9219 744
9220 753
9221 758
9222 761
9223 765
9224 767
9225 769
9226 775
9227 784
9228 791
9229 792
9230 796
9231 797
9232 901
9233 906
9234 938
9235 944
9236 951
9237 994
9238 812
9239 822
9240 831
9241 832
9242 833
9243 835
9244 861
9245 864
9246 873
9247 602
9248 603
9249 625
9250 633
9251 645
9252 647
9253 648
9254 653
9255 659
9256 660
9257 662
9258 665
9259 667
9260 674
9261 679
9262 684
9263 695
9264 696
9265 46
9266 198
9267 Öland
9268 20
9269 25
9270 26
9271 28
9272 38
9273 42
9274 51
9275 53
9276 55
9277 59
9278 72
9279 77
9280 83
9281 89
9282 309
9283 316
9284 318
9285 333
9286 360
9287 376
9288 383
9289 390
9290 393
9291 397
9292 403
9293 406
9294 413
9295 414
9296 419
9297 423
9298 426
9299 427
9300 440