Citation index in Norwegian (Nynorsk) Wikipedia
ver. 1.6

This page contains the most cited articles of Norwegian (Nynorsk) Wikipedia. One citation means that some Wikipedia article has a hyperlink to a given article. Here only unique links counts - even if there are two or more links from the same article, it counts as one wikilink (one citation).

# Title Local citations
6901 Atomkjerne
6902 Elektrisk motstand
6903 Xinjiang
6904 Oseanografi
6905 Jørn Are Gaski
6906 Toril Bakken Kåven
6907 Ardèche
6908 Bas-Rhin
6909 Gers
6910 Haute-Loire
6911 Haute-Marne
6912 Haute-Vienne
6913 Loir-et-Cher
6914 Loire-Atlantique
6915 Lot-et-Garonne
6916 Meurthe-et-Moselle
6917 Pyrénées-Orientales
6918 New Zealand Geographic Board
6919 Bette Midler
6920 Vologda oblast
6921 Pixar
6922 Carol Kenyon
6923 Delicate Sound of Thunder
6924 'Asamah
6925 Adhan i Ras al-Khaimah
6926 Al Fahlayn
6927 Al Jazirah Al Hamra
6928 Al Mu'amurah
6929 An Nakhil
6930 Ash Sha'm
6931 Awanat i Ras al-Khaimah
6932 Bida i Ras al-Khaimah
6933 Daftah
6934 Khatt
6935 Isbrem
6936 Find a Grave
6937 Pye Records
6938 EM i friidrett 1969
6939 Live in Italy av Lou Reed
6940 Nelson Island i Sør-Shetlandsøyane
6941 Falkland Islands and Dependencies Aerial Survey Expedition
6942 Hansaen
6943 Maldivane
6944 Tonga
6945 1187
6946 Gjemnes kommune
6947 1614
6948 Frédéric Mistral
6949 Revolusjon
6950 1615
6951 1551
6952 1576
6953 1579
6954 1586
6955 1433
6956 1441
6957 1444
6958 1462
6959 1480
6960 1482
6961 Bibliotek
6962 Anders Beer Wilse
6963 Belfast
6964 1386
6965 1394
6966 1191
6967 Carl Spitteler
6968 1275
6969 1226
6970 911
6971 Litauisk
6972 London Records
6973 Mamelukk
6974 Frikativ
6975 Åse Kleveland
6976 1252
6977 Folldal kommune
6978 1136
6979 Gabriela Mistral
6980 Grotte
6981 Kultur- og likestillingsdepartementet
6982 960
6983 1360
6984 1371
6985 Gao Xingjian
6986 Ivo Andrić
6987 Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio
6988 Odysseas Elytis
6989 Władysław Reymont
6990 Kvitkval
6991 Natrium
6992 Melodi Grand Prix 2011
6993 Elektronvolt
6994 Ås
6995 Homer
6996 Libretto
6997 Prekambrium
6998 Radius
6999 Sichuan
7000 Bolzano-provinsen