Citation index in Norwegian (Nynorsk) Wikipedia
ver. 1.6

This page contains the most cited articles of Norwegian (Nynorsk) Wikipedia. One citation means that some Wikipedia article has a hyperlink to a given article. Here only unique links counts - even if there are two or more links from the same article, it counts as one wikilink (one citation).

# Title Local citations
5501 Moody Blue
5502 Verdscupen i skiskyting
5503 Eurovision Song Contest 1971
5504 Hellas i Eurovision Song Contest
5505 Spania i Eurovision Song Contest
5506 Johnny B. Goode
5507 Verdscupen i alpine greiner
5508 A New Career in a New Town (1977–1982)
5509 Ava Cherry
5510 Berlintrilogien
5511 Tin Machine av Tin Machine
5512 DS «Irma» (1905)
5513 DS «Lyra» (1912)
5514 DS «Mira» (1891)
5515 Munro
5516 Broadway the Hard Way
5517 Civilization Phaze III
5518 Frank Zappa Plays the Music of Frank Zappa: A Memorial Tribute
5519 Imaginary Diseases
5520 Make a Jazz Noise Here
5521 Mothermania
5522 Mystery Disc
5523 One Shot Deal
5524 Playground Psychotics
5525 Road Tapes, Venue 1
5526 Sheik Yerbouti
5527 Sleep Dirt
5528 Tsjad
5529 Den arabiske halvøya
5530 1698
5531 1738
5532 1751
5533 1611
5534 1621
5535 1643
5536 1672
5537 1532
5538 1540
5539 Baltikum
5540 Keramikk
5541 Skoltesamisk
5542 Juni
5543 Bertrand Russell
5544 Den nordlege halvkula
5545 Pas-de-Calais
5546 Anne Margrethe Larsen
5547 Gunnar Kvassheim
5548 Kanin
5549 Nore og Uvdal kommune
5550 Zoologi
5551 Frogn kommune
5552 1150
5553 Pireus
5554 Céline Dion
5555 And
5556 Dovrefjell
5557 Veg
5558 Kjønnsdimorfisme
5559 Espen Johnsen (f. 1976)
5560 Bård Ludvig Thorheim
5561 Even A. Røed
5562 Grete Wold
5563 Gro-Anita Mykjåland
5564 Hege Bae Nyholt
5565 Irene Ojala
5566 Kari-Anne Jønnes
5567 Kathrine Kleveland
5568 Mahmoud Farahmand
5569 Marianne Sivertsen Næss
5570 Mona Nilsen
5571 Nils-Ole Foshaug
5572 Per Olav Tyldum
5573 Sofie Marhaug
5574 Terje Sørvik
5575 Torbjørn Vereide
5576 Tove Elise Madland
5577 Trine Lise Sundnes
5578 Truls Vasvik
5579 Åse Kristin Bakke
5580 Øystein Mathisen
5581 Departementet Savoie
5582 Steely Dan
5583 Elvis' Christmas Album
5584 Girls! Girls! Girls! av Elvis Presley
5585 Pot Luck av Elvis Presley
5586 Ummagumma
5587 Venetta Fields
5588 Mel Collins
5589 Eurovision Song Contest 1991
5590 Eurovision Song Contest 1987
5591 Portugal i Eurovision Song Contest
5592 San Marino i Eurovision Song Contest
5593 Albumet Golden Years
5594 Changesonebowie
5595 Hours av David Bowie
5597 The Spiders from Mars
5598 MY «Stella Polaris»
5599 Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition
5600 Ahead of Their Time